Auditorium Theatre 2018-19 Issue 4 Eifman Ballet
April 11 - May 19, 2019 | AUDITORIUM THEATRE 2018-19 | 23 LARRY GLOWCZSEWSKI “ I think one feels that you know them on a personal level because [we visited] their school and rehearsal in St. Petersburg. ” Russian Traveler Larry Glowczewski shares, “I think one feels that you know them on a personal level because [we visited] their school and rehearsal in St. Petersburg.” The Auditorium Theatre thanks the Russian Travelers for being cultural ambassadors for our treasured theatre. Their steadfast commitment to the Auditorium helps make the Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg’s biennial return to Chicago possible, and gives us all the chance to enjoy this incredible company. SAVE THE DATE AUGUST 17, 2019 Single tickets available May 1st! FEATURING Chicago Dance Crash Chicago Human Rhythm Project Ensemble Español Spanish Dance Theater Giordano Dance Chicago Hubbard Street Dance Chicago The Joffrey Ballet Randy Duncan © Todd Rosenberg Photography If you are interested in joining the Auditorium on our next cultural excursion, please call Kelly Saro£ Allen at 312.341.2364 or email at ksaro£ Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg dancers
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