Chicago Botanic Garden Fall 2020

Horticulture To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 25 Horticulture COVID-19 update: The Chicago Botanic Garden is monitoring state and local health guidelines for room capacities, social distancing, hand- washing, and other measures to prevent the spread of disease. In the event we are required to close on-site programs, online versions of the courses will be offered whenever possible. Please refer to our website for updated information. New! Aesthetic Pruning Workshop: Online Leslie Buck, author of Cutting Back: My Apprenticeship in the Gardens of Kyoto, shares stories from her time with a prestigious Japanese landscape company. You will learn from her experience and expertise in this workshop, including three basic cuts, natural pruning techniques, pruning over time, and pruning within a landscape. This class will be taught online via Zoom. All registrations must be submitted online two days before your class starts. Registered students will receive login instructions one day in advance. Leslie Buck, garden designer and author $69/$87 | Online Friday, September 25, 1 – 4 p.m. The Magic of Minor Bulbs: Online Minor bulbs are among the most useful groups of bulbs because they are excellent in natural- istic gardens and in ground cover plantings, and they provide a blanket of color amid emerging perennials in early spring. You will explore many varieties including those that are deer resistant. This class will be taught online via Zoom. All registrations must be submitted online two days before your class starts. Reg- istered students will receive login instructions one day in advance. Jill Selinger, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Online Friday, October 2, 10 a.m. – noon New! Leave the Seeds: Online Not only do the seedpods of perennials feed birds and wildlife throughout winter, they add a rich textural element to the dormant garden. Explore seeds, pods, and stems that bring interesting shapes and structure to the garden. This class will be taught online via Zoom. All registrations must be submitted online two days before your class starts. Registered students will receive login instructions one day in advance. Heather Prince, horticulturist and landscape consultant $49/$62 | Online Saturday, October 3, 9 a.m. – noon Wintering Bees in Northern Illinois Beehives can be a challenge to overwinter, especially in northern climates. Learn care tips that will help you maintain a healthy bee colony year-round. Wil Pilipauskas, head beekeeper, Willie’s Honey Company $49/$62 | Classroom 2, Learning Center Sunday, October 4, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Living Succulent Pumpkin Centerpiece Dazzle your guests with a fall centerpiece featuring a pumpkin topped with succulents. Learn how to plant and care for a succulent pumpkin for your own take-home display. Please bring an apron, gloves, and hand pruners. Tim Pollak, outdoor floriculturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $71/$89 | Classroom 8, Learning Center Tuesday, October 6, 6 – 8 p.m. Bulbs for Beginners: Online Flowering bulbs provide vivid color after the doldrums of winter. Learn to select and grow bulbs to enhance your garden. Discuss season-extending bulb design and how to interplant with perennials and shrubs for a spectacular display. This class will be taught online via Zoom. All registrations must be sub- mitted online two days before your class starts. Registered students will receive login instruc- tions one day in advance. After class, stop by the Fall Bulb Festival to purchase bulbs for your garden with advice from Jill Selinger. Jill Selinger, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Online Friday, October 9, 9 – 11 a.m. Peonies Rediscovered Rediscover this wonderful, easy-to-grow pe- rennial with the fragrance that takes you back to grandma’s garden. Discuss and demonstrate division, proper planting depth, and other cultural techniques for herbaceous and tree peonies. You will receive a bare root peony for your garden. Heather Sherwood, senior horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $49/$62 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Tuesday, October 13, 6 – 8 p.m. Glass Jar Terrarium Workshop Terrariums are back. Learn, step by step, how to create a glass jar terrarium. A glass jar and an assortment of small indoor plants for a vari- ety of light conditions will be provided for you to create your own miniature oasis to enjoy all year long. Please bring gloves, an apron if desired, and pruning shears. Alicia Green, horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $71/$89 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Wednesday, October 14, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Tool Prep and Sharpening Workshop Before temperatures drop below freezing, learn how to properly sharpen and oil your garden tools; winterize lawn mowers, small power equipment, and irrigation systems; and get snow equipment ready for winter. You will have an opportunity to practice what you learn, so bring a pair of pruners or other small tools for sharpening. Manuel Sanchez, groundskeeper, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Maintenance Building Saturday, October 17, 9 – 11 a.m. End of Season Pruning Workshop To cut or not to cut your woody plants? What you cut today affects what the plant will look like and how well it will grow for years to come. After a brief indoor introduction, you will have the opportunity to prune small woody plants. A portion of the class will consist of outdoor demonstration and practice. Dress for the weather. Carlos Barajas, horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 1, Learning Center Saturday, October 17, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. NOTE TO READERS: This issue went to print in mid-August. Please check and our social media channels for any updates or changes to classes or events.