Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2020
16 Garden briefs We’re a stamp Coming soon: e Elizabeth Hubert Malott Japanese Garden will be fea- tured on a postage stamp. e Garden is one of ten gardens featured as part of 2020 Forever Stamp Program. e stamp will be available at the Garden Shop; purchases support the Garden. Awards and honors • e Garden’s Science Career Contin- uum (SCC) program received a Presi- dential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineer- ing Mentoring. is prestigious award, which includes a citation from the White House, recognizes indi- viduals and organizations that men- tor students who may not have access to opportunities in STEM profes- sions. In particular, the committee noted SCC’s unique mentorship structure. rough the SCC pathway program, Chicago Public Schools students work alongside Garden edu- cators, college student mentors, and scientists in the Garden’s Negaunee Institute for Plant Conservation Sci- ence and Action to get hands-on sci- ence practice and exposure to the possibilities of careers in science. • e Negaunee Institute received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to help the glob- al botanic garden community better manage collections of threatened plant species and help preserve biodi- versity. Tools and approaches em- ployed by zoos to manage animal populations will be used to develop plant “stud books” for exceptional plants or species that cannot be seed banked. e Negaunee Institute is the lead organization and will partner with the Brook eld Zoo and Botanic Gardens Conservation International to develop tools and databases. Across the Preserves Get outside and get active Looking to exercise outdoors this spring? Head out into the Forest Pre- serves of Cook County, where there are myriad opportunities to get active all across the county, including just south of the Chicago Botanic Garden at the Skokie Lagoons. You can bring your own canoe or kay- ak, or rent one at the Forest Preserves’ Tower Road location to explore the 240 acres of waterways in the Skokie Lagoons that are a critical habitat for local plants and animals. Look for tur- tles, herons, egrets, and the occasional eagle. Or take the Garden’s trails across Dundee Road to connect to the North Branch Trail System, which o ers paved and unpaved trails that are among the premier biking routes in the northern suburbs. To get your blood pumping, climb the tness stairs at Dan Ryan Woods in Chicago or Swallow Cli Woods in suburban Palos Park, or take a guided tness hike on some of the more than 350 miles of trails throughout the Forest Preserves. If you love working in the garden, con- sider joining a dedicated community of volunteers who conduct ecological res- toration in the preserves. You can join work days to clear and hand weed inva- sive species. In addition to the physical bene ts of volunteering, you’ll be giving back to nature and breathing fresh air. Prefer a more peaceful experience? Sev- eral Forest Preserves nature centers and locations hold restorative events like yoga and mindfulness walks. Or you can enjoy a self-guided, immersive out- ing: nd a nice trail, turn o your phone, walk slowly, and breathe deeply while exploring a woodland. Learn more
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