Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2020
Regenstein School | Adult Education 42 To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. Living Pansy Wreath Workshop Welcome the arrival of spring with a pansy wreath to brighten your front door. Create a lush, colorful, living wreath by planting a moss- lined wire frame with pansies and ivy. Wreath care options will also be discussed. Please bring an apron, rubber gloves, and scissors. Karen Thomson, topiary designer, Thomson Topiaries $71/$89 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Tuesday, April 14, 6 – 8:30 p.m. New! Beyond Rosemary, Basil, and Thyme Explore recipes, stories, and how-to tutorials for incorporating herbs into every aspect of your daily life. Discover unusual herbs, how to grow them, ways to use them, and interest- ing facts about these fascinating plants. The instructor will share 45 years of experience growing, selling, and living with herbs from her book, Beyond Rosemary, Basil, and Thyme. Theresa Mieseler, founder, Shady Acres Herb Farm, and author $32/$40 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Wednesday, April 15, 10 a.m. – noon Hands-on Gardening: Dividing Perennials Do you have areas in your garden with an abundance of beautiful perennials? Learn tips and tricks to spread the wealth to other areas by dividing perennials in the spring. Explore the basics, then head outside for a hands-on demonstration. Please bring gloves. Dress for the weather. Heather Sherwood, senior horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $19/$24 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center Thursday, April 16, 9 – 10 a.m. Installing Bees In Your Hive Learn to install a package of bees and a nuc (or nucleus) colony. View a live bee installation demonstration, including step-by-step instruc- tions on the installment process and trouble- shooting. A bee suit is required to participate. Wil Pilipauskas, head beekeeper, Willie’s Honey Company $42/$56 | Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Classroom Saturday, April 18, 9 a.m. – noon Managing Overwintered Bees Your bees survived the winter, now what do you do? Learn to manage your bees in the unpredictable spring weather and methods to avoid a swarm. You will have an opportunity to view live hives. Wil Pilipauskas, head beekeeper, Willie’s Honey Company $42/$56 | Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Classroom Saturday, April 18, 1 – 4 p.m. Spring Containers at the Garden View the Garden’s spring containers and collect ideas for your own. After the tour, create a container with plants that can tolerate the varying spring temperatures and a full-sun to partial-shade location. Pansies, forced bulbs, and other spring treasures will be provided. Kathryn Deery, Chicago Botanic Garden $71/$89 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Tuesday, April 21, 10 a.m. – noon or 6 – 8 p.m. New! From Garden to Vase: Spring Flowers Walk the Garden and learn about plants that work well in cut arrangements. Then, inspired by our walk, create a beautiful flower display to take home and enjoy. Learn and practice basic floral design techniques. Please bring gar- den shears/scissors, apron, and garden gloves if desired. Alcohol will be served in this class. Participants must be 21 or older. Tim Pollak, outdoor floriculturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $68/$80 | Classroom 8, Learning Center Wednesday, April 22, 6 – 8 p.m. New! Hanging Lettuce Basket Workshop Who said lettuce has to grow in the Garden or in pots? Discover different varieties of lettuce that perform well in hanging baskets, and how to grow and care for them. You will pot up your own basket of lettuce to take home and enjoy. Please bring gloves. Lisa Hilgenberg, horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $62/$78 | Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Classroom Thursday, April 23, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Hydrangeas Hydrangeas create an old-fashioned charm that is hard to resist. Through photos of a variety species in full bloom, discover all aspects of successfully growing hydrangeas, hardiness issues and pruning techniques by species, as well as how to manage bloom color. Glenn Grosch, horticulturist and agronomist $42/$53 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, May 2, 9:30 a.m. – noon Get Started with Annuals Annuals provide constant color in your flower beds, containers, window boxes, and perennial borders. Learn the most dependable varieties as well as the new and unusual. Topics include soil preparation, plant selection, care and main- tenance, and some propagation techniques. Tim Pollak, outdoor floriculturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 1, Learning Center Wednesday, May 6, 6 – 8 p.m. Strawberries & Cream Hanging Basket Workshop Cascades of strawberries and nasturtiums growing in moss-lined baskets will beautify your porch or patio. Learn how to create a beautiful (and delicious) hanging basket to take home. Get tips on selecting the right basket, plants, and soil medium, as well as watering and after-care tips plus recipes. Please bring gardening gloves. Lisa Hilgenberg, horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $62/$78 | Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Classroom Thursday, May 7, 10 – 11:30 a.m. Pollinator Container Workshop Learn how to welcome pollinators to your home with a diverse array of flowering annuals that will also give you season-long color. Then create a warm-season mixed container suitable for your sun or partial shade location. Please bring gloves. Kathryn Deery, Chicago Botanic Garden $71/$89 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Tuesday, May 12, 10 a.m. – noon Summer Succulent Container Workshop Succulent containers are trendy gardens to be enjoyed from spring through fall. Study design examples and then create your own take-home container. Learn how to care for your contain- er, and how to extend it into the following year. All materials will be provided. Please bring gloves, an apron if desired, and pruning shears. Tim Pollak, outdoor floriculturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $79/$99 Classroom 6, Learning Center Thursday, May 21, 6 – 8 p.m.
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