Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2020
Photography To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 59 Advanced Black & White Photography Black and white photography helps you create stunning images. Learn cover printing on a variety of papers, the use of black and white adjustments in Photoshop, and enhanced tonal variations within the final image. You will also learn from the work of three iconic twenti- eth-century photographers. Prerequisite: Black & White Photography or approval of instructor. The School’s CEUs=15 hours FPC elective, master track Tobin Fraley, photographer $299/$374 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 5 Mondays, April 13 – May 11, 1 – 4 p.m. New! Photography Tips: Tripods & Filters Discover which filters are best for a bright day, how to capture an image of still water, and why a good tripod is essential. Learn which filter to use for different situations and how to select a tripod that will be just right for your camera and lens.The School’s CEUs=3 hours FPC elective Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $57/$72 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center Sunday, April 26, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Nature & Landscape Photography Portfolio A Explore the design techniques of today’s best nature and landscape photographers. Practice techniques with weekly exercises based on class lessons. Use these design techniques to create your own professional portfolio worthy of exhibition. This course is designed for intermediate photographers. Digital SLR or mirrorless cameras are mandatory. FPC required course, nature and landscape track Paul Lucas, nature photographer and instructor $349/$436 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 6 Sundays, April 26 – June 7, noon – 3 p.m. (no class May 24) New! Fine Art Photography Portfolio C Explore the design techniques of fine art photographers throughout history. Practice these techniques with weekly exercises based on class lessons. You will learn how to post im- ages to Instagram, make video clips, blog, and prepare files for a Squarespace website. Use these design techniques to create your own professional portfolio worthy of exhibition. FPC required course, fine art track, inter- changeable with A or B Dianne Kittle, fine art photographer $399/$499 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Wednesdays, April 29 – June 24, 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. (no class May 13, 20, & June 17) Photoshop 2 This advanced class will further your knowl- edge of selections and layers, allowing for photo enhancement and manipulation. Projects include black and white with color accents, old photo restoration, and abstract art creation. Requirements for the course are a laptop computer with a current version of Adobe Pho- toshop installed and a digital camera. Prerequi- site: Photoshop 1 or approval of instructor. The School’s CEUs=15 hours FPC elective Iris Allen, freelance photographer and instructor $299/$374 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Mondays, May 4 – June 15, 1 – 3:30 p.m. (no class May 25) New! Street Photography Along every street are fleeting moments wait- ing to be captured to create intriguing images. Explore and analyze the various methods used by some of the best known street photogra- phers and put those techniques to work using your own perspective. Discover backgrounds, lighting, shadows, subject framing, and much more. The School’s CEUs=16 hours FPC elective, master track Tobin Fraley, photographer $319/$399 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 4 Tuesdays, May 5 – 26, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Creative Fine Art Digital Photography Discover how to see and convey your creative vision of the world in photographs. In this introduction to fine art photography for begin- ning and intermediate photographers, you will learn to use the features of your camera and the principles of design to make stunning, cre- ative images. A digital SLR or mirrorless camera with manual controls for aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, and a previous photography class or familiarity with basic camera functions are required. FPC required course, fine art track Anne Houde, fine art photographer $279/$349 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Thursdays, May 7 – June 11, 9:30 a.m. – noon Beginning Digital Photography Learn the techniques and principles of photog- raphy. You will explore the basics of photogra- phy, including image composition rules, how the camera works, proper exposure, and the functions of lens aperture and shutter speed. Some minimal photo processing will also be covered. The course requires a digital SLR camera. No previous experience is required. FPC requirement Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $239/$299 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 4 Saturdays, May 30 – June 27, 9 a.m. – noon (no class June 13) New! Creating Dynamic Floral Portraits Special Opportunity with Allen Rokach Explore how to make impressionistic, expres- sive, and dynamic floral portraits. Learn im- portant aspects of flower photography: using light, background, and color creatively; getting the correct exposure; organizing your image to frame and compose it expressively; which lens to use; and subject selection. You must know how to use your camera and have taken a previous class in digital photography. Allen Rokach, photographer and educator $695/$869 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center Monday – Friday, June 8 – 12, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
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