Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2020
To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 75 Teacher & Student Teacher Professional Development The Chicago Botanic Garden’s teacher professional development programs feature best practices in STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and math) and support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for grades preK – 12. Many courses incorporate reading, math, art, social studies, and engineering into the science lessons. CPDUs and graduate credits are available for most workshops. Visit teacherprograms for more details. One-Day Workshops Classroom Gardening Growing plants in the classroom provides a variety of ways to make interdisciplinary con- nections and to incorporate Next Generation Science Standards. Learn a variety of tips, techniques, and tools for easy indoor garden- ing and discover activities and ideas for using the plants you and your students grow across the curriculum. CPDUs: 6, Gateways: 6 Grade level: preK – 12 $72/$90 | Learning Center Saturday, March 21 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. STEM in Early Childhood Even young learners can use technology and conduct engineering activities. Learn ways to use nature and natural materials to engage early childhood students in STEM. Investigate thoughtful use of technology through age-appropriate apps, picture taking, and various tools. Engage students in the engineering design process as they build with natural materials, create seeds, and use characteristics of plants and animals to solve human problems. CPDUs: 6, Gateways: 6 Grade level: preK – 2 $72/$90 | Learning Center Saturday, April 4 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. __________________________ $ Educator members receive a 20 percent discount on most classes, listed in each class description before the full nonmember price. Financial aid may be available for teachers serving low-income populations; contact Rebecca Ammann at or (847) 835-8235 for details. ENTICE: Learning about Birds for Early Childhood For this workshop in the Wildlife Basics for Early Childhood Educators series, we will learn about common birds that you and your students can easily see. Learn basic facts about birds and how to identify them. Dis- cuss how to use field guides and binoculars. Go on a bird hike to observe birds. Discover plants and enhancements for your school grounds to help attract birds. Targeted for teachers of grades preK – 2, but all educators are welcome to register and adapt the mate- rials for their students. CPDUs: 5 This workshop is part of ENTICE (Environment and Nature Training Institute for Conservation Education). Register through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at Grade level: preK – 12 $11 | Learning Center Saturday, May 2 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Animal Investigations Studying animals in a safe and appropri- ate way helps students develop empathy, learn to care for other living creatures, and address a variety of science topics. Learn about animals that are both easy to care for in the classroom and can become the subject of simple experiments. Use classroom and schoolyard animals to observe animal behavior, interactions, habitat needs, and population dynamics. CPDUs: 6 Grade level: K – 12 $72/$90 | Learning Center Saturday, May 16 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Gardening Courses Windy City Harvest holds a variety of gardening workshops at the Arturo Velas- quez Institute in Chicago. These classes cover growing plants indoors and outside using sustainable techniques, and can improve your home and school gardening skills. Visit city_harvest for a complete list of topics and other information. Online Course Citizen Science Data in the Classroom New to integrating data collection, ma- nipulation, and display as part your citizen science-related instructional activities? This course provides a good starting place. The course assumes a basic familiarity with the concept of citizen and community science (CCS) and direct experience with, or partici- pation in, at least one CCS project. Projects highlighted in this course include Budburst, eBird, FrogWatch, Picture Post, and CoCo- RaHS. This course is listed as CT-1620 by the Colorado School of Mines. CPDUs: 30, Graduate credit (additional fee): 2 Grade level: 6 – 12 $56/$70 | Online Online: Friday, June 26 – Sunday, July 26 Coming this Summer ENTICE: Illinois Prairies CPDUs: 5 Grade level: preK – 12 Saturday, June 6 Nature and Senses for Early Learners CPDUs: 6, Gateways: 6, EI Credits: 6 Grade level: Birth – preK Saturday, June 13 Climate Science and the NGSS CPDUs: 18, Graduate credit: 2 (optional; additional fee) Grade level: 5 – 12 Tuesday – Thursday, June 30 – July 2 Biomimicry and Engineering CPDUs: 18, Graduate credit: 2 (optional; additional fee) Grade level: 5 – 12 Tuesday – Thursday, July 14 – 16 A Year in Nature Preschool CPDUs: 18, Gateways: 18, Graduate credit: 2 (optional; additional fee) Grade level: preK – 2 Tuesday – Thursday, July 28 – 30
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