Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2019

18 Garden briefs Honoring a champion of the Garden e ribbon-cutting of the greenhouses at the Kris Jarantoski Campus included a special honor for Bob Finke, chairman of the Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society. anks to an anonymous donor, the greenhouses were named the Robert F. Finke Green- houses in recognition of his hard work and achievement on the Jarantoski Campus project. Veggie Rx expands A grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture will expand Windy City Harvest’s Veggie Rx program to Loyola Univer- sity Health System clinics in Chicago’s western suburbs. Veggie Rx provides boxes of produce, grown and packed by Windy City Harvest trainees, to patients with diet-related diseases who are also food insecure. HEALTH for Little Village e Garden and its partner Instituto del Progreso Latino received an award from the Institute of Museum and Li- brary Services to support HEALTH, a new horticultural therapy program. e program will help high school stu- dents get the message to their Little Village communities about the impor- tance of being in nature for mental and physical health. Other collaborators include the Forest Preserves of Cook County and the Chicago Center for Youth Violence Prevention at the Uni- versity of Chicago. Jim Boudreau, Jean M. Franczyk, Fred Spicer, Bob Finke, and Kris Jarantoski cut the ribbon for the Jarantoski Campus greenhouses.