Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2019
Weekend Gardener Classes Soils: Where Are Your Roots? Understanding soils is key to gardening suc- cess. Participate in an in-depth discussion of soils, including structure, fertilizers, pH balance, soil amendments, and water management. You will also explore proper horticultural techniques for a healthy soil ecosystem. Glenn Grosch, horticulturist and agronomist $39.20/$49 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, March 16, 9:30 a.m. – noon Fruit Trees for the Beginner Fruit trees enhance your landscape and your table. You will learn variety selection, site requirements and preparation, proper planting and pruning techniques, maintenance, and pest management. Dress for the weather, as part of the class will be outside. Glenn Grosch, horticulturist and agronomist $39.20/$49 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, March 23, 9:30 a.m. – noon Success with Trees and Shrubs Learn all you need to know about growing woody plants, both deciduous and evergreen. Whether you are a beginning or experienced home gardener, you can improve your skills to choose, plant, and place the perfect tree or shrub, as well as short- and long-term care techniques. Glenn Grosch, horticulturist and agronomist $39.20/$49 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, April 6, 9:30 a.m. – noon Spring Lawn Care for Homeowners Here’s your chance to learn the basics of home lawn care. Using the Garden’s holistic turf-management program as a model, you will learn how to cultivate a thriving lawn while lessening pesticide use. You will be introduced to turf culture, mowing, aerating, watering, fertilizing, weeding, and insect and disease control. Dress for the weather. Tom Fritz, plant health care specialist, Chicago Botanic Garden $31.20/$39 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Saturday, April 13, 9 – 11 a.m. Brambles and Berries for the Beginner Would you love to harvest fresh berries from your own backyard? If so, this class shows you how easy it is to successfully grow berry fruits. Learn how to choose the best varieties, select and prepare a site, use proper planting and pruning techniques, and understand mainte- nance. Dress for the weather. Glenn Grosch, horticulturist and agronomist $39.20/$49 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, April 27, 9:30 a.m. – noon Get Started with Perennials Perennials create a lovely and interesting garden that blooms throughout the season. Choose the right combination of perennials for the right location, explore pruning and pinching techniques, deadheading, dividing, and other methods to keep your garden healthy and strong. Time is allotted for Q & A regarding your own perennial garden. Heather Sherwood, senior horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, April 27, 1 – 3 p.m. Get Started with Annuals Annuals provide constant color in your flower beds, containers, window boxes, and perennial borders. Learn the most dependable varieties as well as the new and unusual. Topics include soil preparation, plant selection, care and main- tenance, and some propagation techniques. Tim Pollak, outdoor floriculturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 1, Learning Center Saturday, May 11, 9 – 11 a.m. Get Started With Roses This is a great course for the first-time rose grower or a refresher for the enthusiast. General planting, pruning, protection, and care will be discussed, along with examples of low-maintenance rose varieties suitable for the Chicago area. Thomas Soulsby, senior horticulturist, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Saturday, May 18, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. Summer Garden Maintenance Proper watering, fertilizing, pruning, edging, deadheading, staking, and mulching practices make the difference between a healthy, well- kept garden and a landscape that gets ahead of you. You will have a hands-on opportunity to practice what you learn, so bring along a pair of pruners. Please dress for the weather. Tim Johnson, director of horticulture, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Sunday, May 19, 1 – 3 p.m. Bonsai Basics Learn the horticulture, art, and philosophy of bonsai through the history, fundamental aesthetic elements, and basic style types. You will learn about tools, wiring, soils, fertilizers, and year-round care. A walk to view part of the Garden‘s Bonsai Collection is included. Dress for the weather. Chris Baker, curator of bonsai, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center Sunday, June 2, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
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