Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2019
50 To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. With a variety of courses ranging from site analysis and construction to garden art and history, students learn the principles of garden design and how design relates to the environment. Class locations are sub- ject to change. Some classes may be held outdoors as weather permits. Elements of the Garden: Patios The patio is a place to enjoy meals, relax, and spend time with family and friends. Consider design basics such as style, size, shape, and substance. Discover various paving materials such as brick, bluestone, concrete pavers, and lannon stone that complement the architectur- al style of your home and reflect the spirit of your garden. Tim Lally, ASLA, PLA, principal, Timothy Lally Design $31.20/$39 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Tuesday, March 12, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. American Home Garden Design: 1830 – Present Draw inspiration for your own home, no matter what age or style, as you look at garden design evolution since the Midwest was first settled. Learn about design trends, the rise of the suburban lawn, foundation plantings, cottage gardens, moon gardens, and heirloom plants. Nina Koziol, garden writer $31.20/$39 | Classroom 1, Learning Center Tuesday, March 19, 10 a.m. – noon Alternative Garden Themes There are many variables to consider in developing a garden, including maintenance requirements, drought tolerance, four-season interest, and methods to recycle organic debris and increase sustainability. Discover ideas to address these variables including mandala gar- dens and stumperies, using recycled materials to build garden structures, composting on-site, and “no mow” green space instead of lawns. John Eskandari, owner of Urban Plantsman, LLC; arborist, horticulturist, educator $32/$40 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Thursday, March 28, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Painting Your Garden with Plants: Sun and Shade Register for both sessions and save ten percent. $57.60/$72 Designing the Sunny Border The well-designed border wears a combination of perennials, annuals, and shrubs that provide three seasons of color and winter interest. Discuss how to artfully combine plants with an emphasis on the use of color, texture, and form. Whether you are a new gardener or have an established border that could use updating, this class is for you. Nina Koziol, garden writer $32/$40 | Linnaeus Room, Regenstein Center Saturday, March 30, 10 a.m. – noon Designing the Shade Garden A garden shaded by trees or buildings is often a challenge for the gardener who is faced with low light levels, tree roots, and soil that is often dry. This class provides solutions and ideas for artful plantings that can help you create effective com- binations with optimal color, texture, and form. Nina Koziol, garden writer $32/$40 | Linnaeus Room, Regenstein Center Saturday, March 30, 1 – 3 p.m. Elements of Garden Design: Garden Walks and Paths Whether formal or informal, garden walkways create style and overall mood, and are usually a visitor’s first impression of your garden. Learn the basics of the design and construction of garden walks and paths. Many paving options will be explored, such as concrete pavers, bricks, gravel, and natural stone. Weigh the pros and cons of each material and decide which is best for your garden. Tim Lally, ASLA, PLA, principal, Timothy Lally Design $32/$40 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Tuesday, April 23, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Garden Design
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