Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2019

Botanical Arts To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 53 New! Meditations in Ink: Iris and Swallow or Bamboo and Dragonfly Asian Brush Painting Workshops with Bruce Iverson Join a relaxing, meditative exploration into the nature and techniques of painting in the hsieh-i style of brush painting, called sumi-e in Japan. Through demonstrations and hands-on paint- ing, learn to paint this elegant flower and guest bird or traditional bamboo with a high-flying dragonfly in ink and color. In each class, you will come away with two completed projects. Previous art experience is not necessary. All class materials are provided. Bruce Iverson, artist $151.20/$189 | Classroom 6, Learning Center Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Iris and Swallow) or $151.20/$189 | Classroom 5, Learning Center (Bamboo and Dragonfly) Sunday, April 28, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. New! Nature in the Sketchbook, in the Garden, in the Museum Use resources of the Chicago Botanic Garden and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago to learn how artists and scientists understand ideas of nature. Complete an exploratory sketchbook of observational paintings, draw- ings, and notes that serve as an investigative record. Activities include outdoor painting and sketching, discussions with scientists, art historical lectures, and a visit to the Prints and Drawings Collection. This class is designed for students who have some experience painting and drawing. This course is presented in partnership between the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Chicago Botanic Garden. Jeane Cohen, artist $468/$585 | Chicago Botanic Garden and Art Institute of Chicago 5 Saturdays & 5 Wednesdays, May 1 – June 1, 9 a.m. – noon Rejuvenated Jewelry Inspired by the little treasures you save and love, combine old and new elements to create spectacular jewelry. Bring your special and sentimental keepsakes, single earrings, buttons, charms, chains, family photos, and found objects. You will learn to solder, wire wrap, and string. A supply list is given at the first class, but you can start collecting treasures now. Bonnie Arkin, artist and designer $191.20/$239 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 8 Tuesdays, May 7 – June 25, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. or $191.20/$239 | Classroom 5, Learning Center 8 Tuesdays, May 7 – June 25, 7 – 9 p.m. Botanical Arts Certificate of Merit Program Any individual may register for a certificate pro- gram course as long as the prerequisite(s) noted in the course description have been met. New! Colored Pencil: Enchanting Orchids The luscious colors of orchids, combined with the fine detail required to accurately depict their elaborate structures, make them ideal subjects for colored pencils on paper or Mylar drafting film. Visit the Orchid Show for inspiration, and draw live specimens to produce high-quality orchid paintings. Prerequisites: Colored Pencil Drawing or Colored Pencil Workshop courses. The School’s CEUs=18 hours ART elective Claudia Lane, freelance artist $279.20/$349 | Linnaeus Room, Regenstein Center Friday – Sunday, March 8 – 10, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Color Mixing Learn to mix accurate, exciting color including the vivid, specific hues of flowers, the bright and subdued greens of leaves, and the deep, subtle colors in shadows. You will make charts for permanent reference and then apply this knowledge as you paint flowers and leaves from live specimens. You will work in water- color, but exercises apply to all media. ART requirement Marlene Hill Donnelly, scientific illustrator, Chicago Botanic Garden and The Field Museum $238.40/$298 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 6 Saturdays, March 9 – April 13, 9 a.m. – noon New! Expressive Watercolor: Open Studio The freedom and fluidity of watercolor allow a bolder, larger, looser approach to your work. You will explore wet into wet and wet into dry techniques. This course is designed to build on foundational watercolor techniques with individualized personal instruction. Prerequisite: Previous watercolor coursework or experience. The School’s CEUs=18 hours ART elective Thomas Trausch, artist, TWSA master status $279.20/$349 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 6 Saturdays, March 9 – April 13, 1 – 4 p.m. Botanical Drawing 2 Continue to build your drawing skills with advanced graphite techniques, light and dark media on toned paper, and carbon dust. Prerequisite: Botanical Drawing 1. ART requirement Marlene Hill Donnelly, scientific illustrator, Chi- cago Botanic Garden and The Field Museum $238.40/$298 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 6 Sundays, March 17 – April 28, 1 – 4 p.m. (no class April 21) New! Colored Pencil: Exotic Plants The Chicago Botanic Garden’s Greenhouses contain many exotic plants, displayed in facsim- iles of their native habitats. Compose studies of the intricate plant structures and colors in the Greenhouses, then return to the studio to translate into compositions. Work in graphite leading to finished work in colored pencil, using techniques introduced in earlier courses. The School’s CEUs=15 hours ART elective Claudia Lane, freelance artist $238.40/$298 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 5 Thursdays, March 21 – April 18, 9 a.m. – noon New! Go Figure: Incorporating Life into Watercolor Art Animate and enliven your watercolor painting by incorporating human or animal figures into the landscape. The figures will provide a focal point that adds interest, storytelling, scale, and perspec- tive to your paintings. Learn techniques to simplify the figure and gesture in your artwork. Prerequi- site: Previous watercolor coursework or experience recommended. The School’s CEUs=17.5 hours ART elective Thomas Trausch, artist, TWSA master status $279.20/$349 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 5 Tuesdays, April 16 – May 14, 5:30 – 9 p.m. New! Colored Pencil: A Mixed-Media Approach You will learn how colored pencil can be mixed with various mediums—graphite, watercolor, pas- tel, and ink. These techniques can speed up the process of colored pencil and create some unique looks. Prerequisite: Colored Pencil Workshop, Col- ored Pencil Drawing Course, or previous colored pencil coursework. The School’s CEUs=12 hours ART elective Kimberly Mullarkey, freelance artist $279.20/$349 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 4 Saturdays, April 20 – May 11, 1 – 4 p.m. English Watercolor Techniques Use live plant materials and build on techniques learned in Watercolor I. Emphasis is on realistic portrayal of botanical subjects and traditional methods of dry brush watercolor painting, with attention to detail and color accuracy. Demonstrations and individual instruction will be given. Prerequisites: Botanical Drawing 1, Color Mixing, and Watercolor 1. ART requirement, traditional track Nancy Halliday, freelance artist and naturalist $238.40/$298 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 6 Thursdays, May 2 – June 6, 6 – 9 p.m.