Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2019
56 To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. Discover the joy of nature and garden pho- tography with the Garden as your studio. Advance your artistic and technical skills in classes and workshops for students of all levels led by outstanding photography professionals. Class locations are subject to change. Some classes may be held outdoors as weather permits. New! How to Buy a Camera Have you been thinking about buying a digital camera but find it too confusing? Remove the mystery by exploring features, sizes, and price points of many levels and brands of cameras. Whether you haven’t taken a picture since film days or are completely new to the hobby, all are welcome and no camera is required. Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $47.20/$59 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center Sunday, March 24, 9 a.m. – noon Beginning Abstracts in Nature Create poetic images using the tools of aper- ture priority, shutter speed priority, exposure compensation, and reflective materials. An emphasis will be placed on conceptual design using symbols and metaphors. This beginning class is designed for students new to mirrorless or SLR camera who have a strong interest in abstract art. Be prepared to use your camera’s manual and be able to download and email images. Dianne Kittle, fine art photographer $231.20/$289 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Wednesdays, March 27 – May 1, 1 – 3:30 p.m. New Camera Workshop Did you receive a camera as a gift recently? Is your camera still sitting in the box? This workshop will help you set up your camera and learn basic operations through hands-on instruction. To get the most out of class, bring your digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera, mirrorless camera, or an advanced point-and- shoot camera. Paul Lucas, nature photographer and instructor $95.20/$119 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 2 Saturdays, March 30 & April 6, 1 – 4 p.m. iPhone Photography There are hundreds of photography apps for iPhones, and many have similar features. Explore some of the better-known apps and how to use them for nature photography. Learn the basics of iPhone photography along with fieldwork. We will examine photos taken during class and discuss how they can be enhanced, manipulated, or altered to create a personal statement. iPhones are mandatory. Dress for the weather. Tobin Fraley, photographer $95.20/$119 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 3 Fridays, May 3 – 17, 1 – 3 p.m. Photographing the Garden With 27 gardens, nine islands, six miles of shoreline, and four nature areas spread across 385 acres, the Chicago Botanic Garden is a dream environment and a challenge for pho- tographers. Discover places and techniques for creating captivating images, review easy-to- apply compositional ideas, and explore how to capture the essence of the Garden. Dress for the weather. Paul Lucas, nature photographer and instructor $63.20/$79 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 2 Saturdays, May 4 & 11, 9 – 11 a.m. New! Garden and Travel Photography The best souvenirs of your trip are photographs of the buildings and gardens you visit. Combining buildings and gardens often presents a challenge. Learn how to create lead- lines in addition to using light, angle, and time of day to optimize your pictures. Classes will be held at the Garden and other locations. Dress for the weather. Prerequisite: Beginning Pho- tography class or general camera competence. Digital camera (no tablets or cell phones, please) and tripod strongly encouraged. Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $183.20/$229 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 4 Thursdays, May 16 – June 6, 9 a.m. – noon Photography
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