Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2019

Photography To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 57 Advanced iPhone Photography Workshop Take iPhone photography to the next level with updated and new apps, plus a look at updated iPhone features. Prerequisite: iPhone Photography Tobin Fraley, photographer $47.20/$59 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Friday, May 24, 1 – 4 p.m. Focus on Photography Certificate of Merit Program Beginning Digital Photography Learn the techniques and principles of photog- raphy. You will explore the basics of photogra- phy, including image composition rules, how the camera works, proper exposure, and the functions of lens aperture and shutter speed. Some minimal photo processing will also be covered. The course requires a digital SLR cam- era. No previous experience is required. FPC requirement Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $232/$290 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 4 Mondays, March 25 – April 15, 9 a.m. – noon Abstracts in Nature—Spring Apply photographic techniques to create a portfolio of abstract fine art photographs in this intermediate class. Using design concepts, you will craft images with mood and message. A review of technical SLR tools, in addition to developing your creative eye, will help you capture abstracts. Class will include lecture, critique, and practice time in the Garden, along with making a book using Blurb Bookwright. Digital SLR camera and tripod required. Proficiency with aperture and shutter speed is required. FPC fundamental course, fine art track Dianne Kittle, fine art photographer $231.20/$289 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Wednesdays, March 27 – May 1, 9:30 a.m. – noon New! Creating Photographic Series Join us for an introduction to the various approaches to creating a photographic series. The second session will be a discussion of your series plans to help you refine and create a compelling series of work. After taking time to independently work on the series idea formu- lated within class, we'll meet again for a final share, critique, and refinement of your work. The School’s CEUs=10 hours FPC elective, master track Angie McMonigal, fine art photographer $232/$290 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 3 Mondays, April 1, 10 a.m. – noon, April 15 & May 6, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Photographing in Natural Light Photographers often find themselves in a situ- ation where flash photography is not allowed, or where artificial light disturbs the honesty of a photo. Learn techniques that use natural light from available sources to capture realistic and untouched images. FPC fundamental course, nature and landscape track Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $232/$290 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 4 Thursdays, April 4 – 25, 9 a.m. – noon Photography Techniques: Using the Proper Lens Learn the differences among focal lengths of lenses and how to select the appropriate lens for each particular subject. Other topics include matching the lens to the light level, depth of field, and how to obtain maximum image sharpness, as well as using the hyperfocal length setting with manual focus. The School’s CEUs=3 hours FPC elective Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $47.20/$59 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center Sunday, April 7, 9 a.m. – noon New! Creating Composite Images in Photoshop Harness the power of Photoshop to combine your photographs into new creations. Work through different projects and learn the tools you need to create your own composite imag- es. Techniques include combining and blending layers, selecting and masking, and applying adjustment layers. Use your imagination to cre- ate new versions of reality, fantastic abstracts, and surreal worlds. A personal laptop with Photoshop installed is required. Prerequisite: Photoshop 1 and 2 or consent of instructor. School’s CEUs=15 hours FPC elective, master track Anne Houde, fine art photographer $299/$373.75 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Thursdays, April 11 – May 16, 9:30 a.m. – noon Photoshop I The Chicago Botanic Garden is a spectacu- lar place to take photographs. Make your images even better with Adobe Photoshop Elements—a user-friendly photo editor that has the same concepts as the full version of Photoshop. Apply selection tools, layers, and smart brushes. Requirements for the course are a laptop computer with Adobe Photoshop Elements or Adobe Photoshop CS5 installed and a digital camera. FPC requirement Iris Allen, freelance photographer and instructor $299/$373.75 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 6 Mondays, April 15 – June 3, 1 – 3:30 p.m. (no class April 29 & May 27) Photographing Signs of Spring Spring is often subtle in its arrival. You will learn the best camera and lens settings to use when capturing small hints of the changing season. Learn to recognize which perspectives will best highlight these small-scale buds and shoots. Macro or close-focusing lens is helpful, but not required. Dress for the weather. Prereq- uisites: Beginning Digital Photography or con- sent of the instructor. Class limited to digital cameras only. The School’s CEUs=12 hours FPC elective Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $232/$290 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 4 Tuesdays, April 23 – May 21, 9 a.m. – noon (no class May 7) The Philosophy of Photography Explore how the medium of photography has affected society and how it continues to evolve as it compresses recent history into a series of images and creates a sense of false memory. How do photographic images represent truth, and how do the trillions of photographs taken each year affect our daily communication? Reading assignments and class participation are required. Bring your camera, your mind, and your opinions. The School’s CEUs=12.5 hours FPC elective, master track Tobin Fraley, photographer $248/$310 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 5 Tuesdays, April 23 – May 21, 9:30 a.m. – noon