Chicago Botanic Garden Spring 2019

Regenstein School | Adult Education 58 To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. Advanced Black & White Photography Black and white photography helps you create stunning images. Learn cover printing on a variety of papers, the use of black and white adjustments in Photoshop, and enhanced tonal variations within the final image. You will also learn from the work of three iconic twenti- eth-century photographers. Prerequisite: Black & White Photography or approval of instructor. The School’s CEUs=15 hours FPC elective, master track Tobin Fraley, photographer $299/$373.75 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 5 Tuesdays, April 23 – May 21, 1 – 4 p.m. Photographing Wildflowers Discover how to capture images of both native wildflowers and garden flowers. The emphasis will be on color and tonal balance, close-ups, backgrounds, natural and flash lighting, and composition. Wildflowers change quickly in the spring, so each week will offer a new array of subjects. Dress for the weather. Digital SLR cameras are mandatory along with a general working knowledge of your camera's func- tions. FPC fundamental course, nature and landscape track Tobin Fraley, photographer $248/$310 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 5 Fridays, April 26 – May 24, 9:30 a.m. – noon Intermediate Digital Photography Thoughtful processes are key steps in learning to identify, then capture, an impressive and artistic image as an intermediate photographer. Use lead lines, selective manual focus, and appropriate aperture settings to enhance your photos. Prerequisite: Beginning Digital Photog- raphy or the consent of the instructor. FPC requirement Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $349/$436.25 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 6 Mondays, May 13 – June 24, 9 a.m. – noon (no class May 27) New! Lightroom 2: Realizing Your Vision Build your skills in Lightroom and make images that realize your vision. Learn to fine-tune the look of your images with global and local adjustments. Then learn to print your own images on premium photographic and fine art papers. Use the capabilities of Lightroom to produce your own photobook to showcase your images. A personal laptop with Lightroom Classic CC installed is required. Prerequisite: Lightroom 1 or consent of instructor. The School’s CEUs=15 hours FPC elective Anne Houde, fine art photographer $299/$373.75 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Thursdays, May 23 – June 27, 9:30 a.m. – noon The Fine Art Water Portfolio Water, the essence of life, will be your canvas for creating artistic images. You will freeze patterns of design formed by water and learn to isolate images reflecting the water’s surface. Using slow shutter speed, polarizers, and neutral density filters, you will direct your camera to paint works of water art. You must understand how to use your digital camera. Intermediate to advanced level. FPC fundamental course, fine art track Dianne Kittle, fine art photographer $299/$373.75 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 6 Tuesdays, June 4 – July 16, 9:30 a.m. – noon (no class July 2) Fine Art Photography Portfolio A The Garden serves as a natural laboratory for a variety of photographic design techniques to turn your ordinary snapshot into art. You will study the work of contemporary fine art pho- tographers. Emphasis will be on finding your own artistic style while advancing your photo- graphic skills to create your own portfolio. This course is designed for intermediate photogra- phers. Digital SLR cameras are mandatory. FPC required course, fine art track Dianne Kittle, fine art photographer $399.20/$498.75 | Classroom 4, Learning Center 7 Tuesdays, June 4 – July 23, 1 – 4 p.m. (no class July 2) Urban Photography Take advantage of the photographic opportuni- ties presented by the beautiful city of Chicago and its environs. You will learn to integrate the photography of landscape and hardscape and explore the use of camera settings beyond the everyday. The School’s CEUs=15 hours FPC elective Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer $299/$373.75 | Plant Science Lab, Regenstein Center 5 Fridays, June 14 – July 19, 9 a.m. – noon (no class July 5)