Chicago Botanic Garden Summer 2019

After Hours Buzz Select Thursday evenings, June through August Linger at the Garden after hours for a series of six ticketed cocktail events fea- turing Garden scientists and interac- tive demonstrations that illuminate the most fascinating plant-pollinator rela- tionship stories. Generously supported by Plante Moran Pollinator Paradise in Print June 7 to September 15; Lenhardt Library Take time to marvel at the beautiful il- lustrations of butter ies, bees, and other pollinators in this Lenhardt Li- brary rare book exhibition; noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday – Sunday. Youth and Adult Education Programs Pollinator classes abound this year, with eld trips, Camp CBG programs, teacher training programs, and more. Learn how to plant a pollinator con- tainer, install bees in a hive, and plant for pollinators. For more, see catalog beginning on page 36. Pollinators Need You: A Janet Meakin Poor Research Symposium Saturday, June 22 Celebrate pollinator week by learning more about pollinators, why they are important, the threats they face, and what you can do to help them. For more, see page 39. How you can help protect pollinators 1. Plant native pollinator plants. Growing native plants promotes biodiversity and pro- vides birds, bees, butter ies, and other pollinators with food and fuel. 2. Create nesting habitat . Give pollinators a home by installing structures for nesting or by leav- ing natural nesting material in your yard. Hollow plant stems and old tree stumps can be great homes for bees. 3. Avoid using pesticides. Polli- nators may be killed or harmed if they consume pollen or nectar that contains pesticides. If you do need to use pesticides, follow the manufacturer’s label instructions carefully and use only as a last re- sort. 4. Support land conservation efforts. Preserve pollinators’ nat- ural habitat by advocating for restoration of natural areas and supporting conservation organi- zations. 5. Spread the word. Talk with friends and family about the im- portance of pollinators. Create buzz on social media and in your community. Bees are your friends! 6. Join Budburst. The data the citizen scientists of Budburst col- lect on the life cycle of plants can help scientists understand how plants—and pollinators—are af- fected by our changing climate. Bees & Beyond beesandbeyond