Chicago Botanic Garden Summer 2019

Garden visitors get first look at new blooms Want to be in-the-know? As you stroll through the Chicago Botanic Garden this summer, you’ll be the rst to get a sneak peek at blooms before they make their o cial public debut. Partnering with Ball Horticultural Company, the Garden is raising the curtain on a selection of Ball’s unavail- able-to-the-public blooms for your de- light. You might know Ball through its consumer brands: PanAmerican Seed, Star Roses, Darwin Perennials, and Burpee. Ball is a world leader in new plant innovation, and the Chicago- based rm has given Garden horticul- turists rst access to its verdant innova- tions that will eventually be o ered to the public through retail stores. You can discover Pentas ‘Lucky Star Lipstick’ this summer in the Circle Garden, its deep rose-colored, star- shaped owers attracting a urry of butter ies and hummingbirds. And in the Heritage Garden this fall, Chrysan- themum ‘Pop Eye Pink’ has a unique two-tone color of pink and magenta with a lime eye. It is late blooming into the fall, good for beds and containers. is is third year of the Garden’s part- nership with Ball. e following oral beauties, featured in the Garden last year, are now available. Look for them at your favorite gardening outlet. • Salvia ‘Big Blue’ so impressed Garden horticulturists that we’re also featur- ing it in multiple spots at the Garden this year. “Everyone loves Big Blue,” said Garden oriculturist Tim Pollak. • Early-blooming Viola Sorbet® Yellow Blue Jump Up helped the Garden welcome spring with its novel color combo. Important for early bloom- ers, it is frost tolerant, and its fragrant owers do well in the face of spring’s rain. • Begonia ‘Canary Wings’, its bright colors impressive for a shade-loving plant, bloomed red against its back- stage of chartreuse foliage. • Chrysanthemum ‘Crimson Red Blush’ wowed with a carpet of owers over a tightly branched habit. It blooms as if a work-in-progress, starting out a burnt- orange color and changing to burgun- dy as the weather cools in the fall. Learn more Viola Sorbet® Yellow Blue Jump Up (left), and Begonia ‘Canary Wings’ (below) 20