Chicago Botanic Garden Summer 2019

Weekend Gardener To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 39 Symposium Pollinators Need You! A Janet Meakin Poor Research Symposium Celebrate pollinator week by learning more about pollinators, why they are important, the threats they face, and what you can do to help them. Presenters will focus on native polli- nators, bees and climate change, supporting pollinators in gardens and other natural areas, supporting bees in urban areas, and current pollinator conservation efforts. Attendees choose from three interactive workshops relat- ed to creating pollinator habitat in your yard or neighborhood park. $47.20/$59 | Alsdorf Auditorium, Regenstein Center $29 with student ID, call (847) 835-6801 to register at this rate Saturday, June 22, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Campout New! Adults-Only Campout Experience the Chicago Botanic Garden the way few can—by sleeping over on the Regenstein Learning Campus. Connect with nature and enjoy a low-stress camping expe- rience in one of Chicago’s most inspirational settings. Campers can set their own schedule, choosing from activities like yoga, a tram tour, board games, s’mores, a bird walk, and more. You can choose between sleeping outside in the Nature Play Garden or sleeping inside the Learning Center. Please plan to spend the night as the Garden is unable to accommodate evening-only participants. Activities are suitable for participants ages 21 and up. Please visit our website for details. $150/$187.50 | Regenstein Learning Campus Saturday, June 29, 5 p.m. – Sunday, June 30, 9 a.m. Bonsai Workshops New! Bonsai Pest Management Bonsai trees are susceptible to various pests and diseases. You will become familiar with common maladies affecting bonsai, learn pre- vention methods, and explore how treat your trees if necessary. Chris Baker, curator of bonsai, Chicago Botanic Garden $42/$52.50 | Horticulture Conference Room, Rice Plant Resource Center Wednesday, June 26, 6 – 9 p.m. New! Bonsai Show Preparation Workshop This workshop will help you get your tree and display ready to show at the Garden’s August bonsai exhibition. With each stage of devel- opment in bonsai, different techniques are needed to increase the refinement of your tree. Focus on detail wiring, refinement, and basics of bonsai display. Bring your tree, stand, scroll, and accent plants to build your display. Select garden items will be available for use as well. Chris Baker, curator of bonsai, Chicago Botanic Garden $42/$52.50 | Horticulture Conference Room, Rice Plant Resource Center Wednesday, July 31, 6 – 9 p.m. Tropical Bonsai Workshop Summer is the best time to work on your tropi- cal bonsai trees. This comprehensive workshop will cover all aspects of tropical tree care, styles, grafting, air layering, and soil types. Bring your trees in for critique, styling, and repotting, and set a course for the future of your bonsai tree. Chris Baker, curator of bonsai, Chicago Botanic Garden $42/$52.50 | Horticulture Conference Room, Rice Plant Resource Center Wednesday, August 21, 6 – 9 p.m. Preparing Bonsai for Storage Prepare your bonsai trees for the fall and winter seasons. Proper feeding, pruning, and winter storage options for both temperate and tropical bonsai will be covered. Students are encouraged to bring bonsai trees for late summer to early fall work. Chris Baker, curator of bonsai, Chicago Botanic Garden $42/$52.50 | Horticulture Conference Room, Rice Plant Resource Center Wednesday, September 25, 6 – 9 p.m. Bring Your Own Bonsai Tree Workshop Bonsai trees require constant maintenance and attention to thrive. Bring your own tree that needs work and evaluation to this workshop. You will learn skills to critique and care for your tree that will set a foundation for a long-lived, healthy tree. Chris Baker, curator of bonsai, Chicago Botanic Garden $42/$52.50 | Horticulture Conference Room, Rice Plant Resource Center Wednesday, October 16, 6 – 9 p.m. Weekend Gardener Classes Wild World of Weeds Explore some of the most common summer weeds in the Midwest. You will learn the basics of weed identification, life cycles, and habitat, in order to best manage them in the landscape. Instructor TBD $32/$40 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Sunday, June 9, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. Composting 101 Want to compost, but not sure where to start? Learn tips and techniques on how to compost right in your own backyard. You’ll gain sound composting practices to ensure successful home composting. Sharon Yiesla, horticulturist, owner, Sharon Yiesla Horticultural Presentations $32/$40 | Classroom 6, Learning Center Saturday, June 15, 10 a.m. – noon Shade Gardening Basics Do you have shade in your garden? With the correct knowledge, the challenges of shade gardening can be overcome. Learn what to look for when selecting plants beyond hosta and how to evaluate the shade in your garden to manage it successfully. Turn your shade into a garden asset! Sharon Yiesla, horticulturist, owner, Sharon Yiesla Horticultural Presentations $32/$40 | Classroom 6, Learning Center Saturday, June 15, 1 – 3 p.m. Fall Garden Care Proper garden care in the fall helps ensure healthy plants the next spring. Learn tech- niques for taking care of your lawn, trees, shrubs, and perennials, including fall fertilizing, mulching, cutting back plants, and protecting plants from wind and animals. Get pointers for fall planting of woody plants and spring-flow- ering bulbs. Tim Johnson, director of horticulture, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Sunday, August 25, 1 – 3 p.m. Preparing Your Lawn for Fall Fall is the best time to prepare for a healthy, lush lawn for the upcoming season. Learn the basics of lawn renovation and how to prepare your lawn for winter. Discuss and observe prop- er techniques for installing sod, seeding and overseeding, and aerating and fertilizing—all aimed at revitalizing your lawn. Dress for the weather, as part of the class will be outdoors. Tom Fritz, plant health care specialist, Chicago Botanic Garden $32/$40 | Classroom 4, Learning Center Saturday, September 7, 10 a.m. – noon $ Members receive a 20 percent discount, listed in each class description before the full nonmember price.