Chicago Botanic Garden Summer 2019
Botanical Arts To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 51 Watercolor: Painting the Natural World Express the beauty of nature in watercolor. Each week focuses on a specific technique, such as ways to mix greens or show natural textures, with a goal of a more satisfying painting experience. In the last two weeks, you will focus on landscape techniques such as composition, color, and focus to create the im- pression of a beautiful natural place. Beginners welcome. Judith Joseph, artist and educator $329.60/$412 | Classroom 5, Learning Center 8 Thursdays, June 13 – August 8, 1 – 3:30 p.m. (no class July 4) Fiber Arts Workshops Come learn while hearing stories of a knitter, shepherd, and small business owner. Natasha Lewis of Esther’s Place Fiber Arts Studio in Big Rock, Illinois, will share her love of fiber arts and inspire you to create. Register for both sessions at once and receive a ten percent discount. $83.52/$104.40 New! Felted Succulents and Cacti Create three tiny cacti using needle felting techniques with beautiful, hand-dyed wool. Assemble them in terra cotta pots with moss, rocks, and other botanicals to embellish. A fun, easy class for beginners and experts. $39.20/$49 | Classroom 2, Learning Center Tuesday, June 25, 10 a.m. – noon Artistic Tapestry Weaving Choose a 5x7-inch fun, funky frame loom and an eclectic mixture of yarns, rovings, fibers, twigs, silk flowers, and more to create a truly unique piece. This weaving technique is popu- lar for making free-form fiber art. All supplies and loom-making instructions are included. $53.60/$67 | Classroom 2, Learning Center Tuesday, June 25, 1 – 3 p.m. Pop-Up Paper Cards: Native Blooms Create a dynamic and dimensional set of pop- up paper cards featuring the blooms of prickly pear, waterlily, and jack-in-the-pulpit—and learn a bit about paper engineering along the way. No experience is necessary, but book- binding or paper craft skills will speed your progress. All supplies provided. Shawn Sheehy, pop-up engineer and author $60/$75 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Sunday, June 30, noon – 3:45 p.m. Advanced Rejuvenated Jewelry After you’ve taken Rejuvenated Jewelry, are you ready to delve deeper, learn more techniques, and explore many creative ideas? Create spectacular jewelry from vintage broken jewelry, watches, tin, and china. Bring your grandma’s jewelry box and collected treasures. Prerequisite: Rejuvenated Jewelry or consent of the instructor. Bonnie Arkin, artist and designer $191.20/$239 | Classroom 5/6, Learning Center 8 Wednesdays, June 26 – August 21, 7 – 9 p.m. (no class July 3) or 8 Tuesdays, July 9 – August 27, noon – 2 p.m. or 8 Tuesdays, September 3 – October 22, noon – 2 p.m. or 8 Wednesdays, September 4 – October 23, 7 – 9 p.m. Rejuvenated Jewelry Inspired by the little treasures you save and love, combine old and new elements to create spectacular jewelry. Bring your special and sentimental keepsakes, single earrings, but- tons, charms, chains, family photos, and found objects. You will learn to solder, wire wrap, and string. A supply list is given at the first class, but you can start collecting treasures now. Bonnie Arkin, artist and designer $191.20/$239 | Classroom 5, Learning Center 8 Tuesdays, July 9 – August 27, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. or 7 – 9 p.m. or 8 Tuesdays, September 3 – October 22, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. or 7 – 9 p.m. Learn How to Make Goat Milk Soap Discover how to make small-batch artisan goat milk soap using the old-fashioned cold-process method. Farm-fresh goat milk and organic, sus- tainable vegetable oil and essential oils are used to make mild, moisturizing, chemical-free soap. You will take home a bar of this lovely soap. Gretta Winkelbauer, owner and organic farmer, Gretta’s Goats $111.20/$139 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, August 17, 1 – 3 p.m. or Thursday, August 29, 1 – 3 p.m. Tapestry Weaving Studio In this ongoing tapestry weaving class, explore ways of using surface, image, and text within a woven form to create independent projects. You will be exposed to contemporary and his- torical tapestries through visual presentations and participate in skill-building demonstrations to broaden technical skills. Classroom looms are provided. This is for intermediate and ad- vanced-level students. Please bring a notebook and pair of scissors. Pamela Feldman, artist and educator $399.20/$499 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 10 Wednesdays, September 4 – November 13, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (no class October 9) Weaving Studio for Beginners Learn basic techniques needed to weave a tapestry. Explore using surface, image, and text within a woven form to create independent projects. You will be exposed to contempo- rary and historical tapestries through visual presentations and will participate in skill-build- ing demonstrations to broaden their technical skills. Frame looms and warp and weft yarns are provided. Please bring a notebook and pair of scissors. Pamela Feldman, artist and educator $263.20/$329 | Design Studio, Regenstein Center 8 Wednesdays, September 11 – November 6, 1:30 – 4 p.m. (no class October 9) Design & Grow: Dahlia Intensive Geared toward the dahlia enthusiast, this class will cover the basics of growing and designing with dahlias. Maintenance techniques, harvest- ing, and digging and storage of tubers will be discussed. You will receive a clump of Field & Florist dahlias and be taught how to propa- gate and store tubers. Create an arrangement featuring dahlias and other locally-grown ma- terials. All materials included. Additional tubers will be available. Heidi Joynt, co-owner, Field & Florist $183.20/$229 | Classroom 5, Learning Center Saturday, September 14, 10 a.m. – noon
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