Chicago Botanic Garden Summer 2019
To register, visit or call (847) 835-6801. 67 Urban Agriculture Rooftop Farming Growing on a rooftop presents its own chal- lenges and rewards. Learn from a seasoned rooftop farmer about what the city requires for a rooftop buildout. Participants will be guided through the many decisions you’ll make as you begin or expand your own rooftop farm or garden. Breanne Heath, founder of the Pie Patch Farm on Ogden, 3555 Ogden Avenue, Chicago September 21, 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Cold-Season Growing: September, October & November This is a technical training course intended for aspiring growers interested in learning best-practice season-extension techniques. It will combine classroom and hands-on work to prepare students to keep growing as the months get colder. It will involve farm work activities in all weather conditions. Students are expected to work indoors and outdoors. Britt Calendo, Windy City Harvest coordinator Arturo Velasquez Institute, 2800 S. Western Avenue September 21, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Fruit Tree Pruning: Managing Fruit Crops This hands-on class is for beginning to inter- mediate growers. The session will include an introduction to the different fruit tree pruning forms, when to prune, strategic pruning, and general fruit tree maintenance. We will also cover how to care for fruiting crops that thrive in Plant Hardiness Zones 5–7. Instructor TBD Washington Park Youth Farm, 555 East 51st Street, Chicago October 19, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Value-Added Products: Canning, Dehydrating, and Jams Take some of your favorite summer crops and learn to preserve them for the winter months. This hands-on class will cover crop seasonality, food safety, and popular food-preservation techniques. Put your knowledge to work by preserving local fruit and vegetables to take home. Instructor TBD Farm on Ogden, 3555 Ogden Avenue, Chicago October 19, 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Value-Added Products: Vinegars, Shrubs, and Kombucha In this hands-on class, we will discuss how to use the abundance from the farm for vinegars, shrubs, and kombucha. Put your knowledge to work by starting your fermentation to take home. Instructor TBD Farm on Ogden, 3555 Ogden Avenue, Chicago November 16, 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Ten-Week Course Ten-week offerings are best suited for indi- viduals working in the horticulture/agriculture industry or with growing experience who are looking to develop their practice. Each course includes a final project and participants earn certificates upon completion. Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Local Food This course is intended for aspiring urban- agriculture entrepreneurs who are launching or planning to launch a local foods business. Practicing sustainable urban agriculturalists will learn to produce vegetable crops and agricultural products for sale in commercial markets. Course content has been developed in partnership with an M.B.A. team from DePaul University. Certificate course Instructor TBD $600 / $300 (with scholarship) | Farm on Ogden, 3555 Ogden Avenue, Chicago Tuesdays & Thursdays, September 10 – November 12, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Aquaponics Intensive Aquaponics Intensive This course is for individuals seriously consid- ering or already in the process of aquaponic food production on a commercial scale. This three-day course is a comprehensive look at the design and build-out of a system, water quality, controlled environment growing, daily operations and growing techniques. Instruction will include hands-on work and lectures. Certificate course Andy McGhee, Windy City Harvest aquaponics specialist $950 | Farm on Ogden, 3555 Ogden Avenue, Chicago Friday – Sunday, May 17 – 19; September 13 – 15; November 8 – 10 Aquaponics
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