Chicago Botanic Garden Summer 2019 7 Tiny creatures buzz, fly, flutter, and crawl their way around the Chicago Botanic Garden. rough September, the Garden is focusing on Bees & Beyond, a program that inspires a genuine appreciation for the vital role pollinators play in our ev- eryday lives and in a healthy, diverse planet. e Garden will be lled with pollina- tor action. Look for pollinator-themed display gardens and ephemeral signs highlighting the important work of pollinators. Say hello to larger-than-life pollinator topiaries greeting you at the Visitor Center, and admire sprawling oral carpets decorating the grasses of the English Oak Meadow. Discover the stunning diversity of pollinators and the conservation research done by Garden scientists at A Pollinator’s Per- spective, an interactive, family-friendly exhibition in Joutras Gallery. Geek out with Garden scientists at After Hours Buzz, a series of cocktail events. Take a class to put your pollinator knowledge into action. e theme of pollinators is timely— there is an urgency to protect pollina- tors—and timeless; pollinators are fun- damentally connected to plants and, therefore, life. Bees, bats, beetles, but- ter ies, and other animals work behind the scenes each day to help plants re- produce, spread seeds, and keep our food supply healthy. Without pollina- tors, our world, and our lives, would be drastically di erent. Bees & Beyond will also reveal how you can help protect pollinators. Hu- mans are part of the problem of many pollinator population declines … and we’re part of the solution. Pollinators sustain life. Themed Gardens Visit these gardens to explore the dif- ferent elements of pollination: Cres- cent Garden, color; Graham Bulb Gar- den, scent; Circle Garden, shape; Heritage Garden, night pollinators and the diversity of pollinators; and Regen- stein Fruit & Vegetable Garden, polli- nators and food. A Pollinator’s Perspective May 18 to September 8; Joutras Gallery e most commonly known pollina- tors, bees and butter ies, are indispens- able to functioning ecosystems. But there are so many other creatures that pollinate important crops and ower- ing plants. Did you know beetles were some of the rst ancient pollinators? Do you know which pollinators to thank for chocolate and tequila? Dip inside the world of a pollinator and ex- plore a pollinator’s perspective. Shape, the Circle Garden Color, the Crescent Garden Scent, the Graham Bulb Garden Continued on next page See how plants attract pollinators