Chicago Philharmonic 2018-2019 Spring

26 2018-2019 SEASON | THE CHICAGO PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY YOUTH & COMMUNITY OUTREACH MATHEW LUCANTE VIOLINS, LLC 42OO Enfield Ave. Skokie, IL 60076 224.251.8067 Service, Repair, Rentals, Sales, Bow Rehair Chi Phil AMP (Academy of Music Performance) Since 2015, Chi Phil AMP has provided young music students with meaningful, repeated in-school interactions with, and mentoring by, Chicago Philharmonic musicians. is includes master classes, side-by-side rehearsals and a side-by-side performance before their fellow students, teachers and community members. e program engages the students’ families with an outing to a Chicago Philharmonic concert, where they receive family-friendly interactive program notes. Families also have the opportunity to interact with the Chicago Philharmonic musicians following the side-by-side concert at the school. 2017-2018 saw the expansion of the program to a fourth school, serving over 400 students. In May 2018 we brought the program for the rst time to students at Benito Juarez High School in Pilsen. Old Orchard Junior High School, which hosted our pilot program in 2015, continued the program for the fourth year. As the program has continued, many students have received support and instruction from the same mentors for multiple years in a row, creating long-lasting rela- tionships vital to student growth. In 2016, two public schools on Chicago’s west side, UIC College Prep and Chicago Bulls College Prep, joined Chi Phil AMP. In 2018-2019, all four schools are looking forward to continuing the program. ey have recorded overwhelmingly positive responses from having the musician-mentors, the intensivemaster classes, and rehearsals and performances. Support for Chi Phil AMP and Side by Side is provided by Judy Guitelman, Dan Epstein and the Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation. Chi Phil AMP is also supported by a grant from the Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation, and Mathew Lucante Violins LLC with additional support from Illinois Arts Council Agency and the Chicago Department of Cultural A airs and Special Events. “It’s always something that I look forward to, it’s something that gives me a new perspective on the pieces we play and my ability to play.” - Chi Phil AMP Participant Side by Side with the Chicago Philharmonic Presented in association with the Chicago Park District’s “Night Out in the Parks” initiative, Side by Side with the Chicago Philharmonic brings symphonic concerts with both professional musicians and student and community musicians to Chicago’s west and south side communities. Student and community musicians of all ages are invited to join Chicago Philharmonic in rehearsing and performing a free concert for members of the community and general public. In 2018 the program expands to six concerts for the rst time since the launch in 2015. New venues this year included Hamilton Park in the Englewood community, and the rst-ever fall Side by Side at Piotrowski Park in Little Village. A er premiering the program at South Shore Cultural Center in the summer last year, the South Shore will play host to the second ever holiday themed Side by Side. 2017’s holiday performance at Gar eld Park Conservatory exceeded expectation in both participants and audience members, with sta having to turn people away from the capacity lled room. Ping Tom Memorial Park in Chinatown, Columbus Park Refectory in the Austin community, and Humboldt Park Boathouse again played host in 2018. Performances were led by Principal Conductor Scott Speck, as well as guest conductors Kellen Gray and Emanuele Andrizzi. In 2017, across 5 concerts, Chicago Philharmonic achieved another year of record numbers with the Side by Side performances, with approximately 2,350 participants and audience members experiencing the program. Additional support for Side by Side is provided by the Music Performance Trust Fund and U.S. Bank. Kellen Gray at Hamilton Park, Photo by Elliot Mandel Photo by Elliot Mandel Photo by Nathaniel Davis Photo by Ingrid Nevinger