Chicago Philharmonic 2018-2019 Spring
28 2018-2019 SEASON | THE CHICAGO PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY YOUTH & COMMUNITY OUTREACH ORFDO - :est 5DQGROSK 6XLWH : &KLFDJR ,/ 312-782-0063 7HUU\O -DUHV 3UHVLGHQW /HR 0XUSK\ 9LFH-3UHVLGHQW %- /HY\ 6HFUHWDU\-7UHDVXUHU 5REHUW %DXFKHQV 'LUHFWRU 5LFK 'DQLHOV 'LUHFWRU )UDQN 'RQDOGVRQ 'LUHFWRU -HII +DQGOH\ 'LUHFWRU %RE /L]LN 'LUHFWRU -DQLFH 0DF'RQDOG 'LUHFWRU &KDUOHV 6FKXFKDW 'LUHFWRU The CFM is proud to represent the musicians of the Chicago Philharmonic. Families to the Phil Live music experiences play a crucial role in inspiring a child to develop an abiding love for the art form of music. Families to the Phil provides young people from diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds the opportunity to share the powerful experience of a live, fully professional symphonic concert with their family. Each season we underwrite tickets for Chicago Philharmonic symphonic concerts for students and family members from a list of Chicago-area public schools, community music schools, and youth orchestras. In 2017, 747 tickets wereissuedtostudentsandtheirfamiliesacross6symphonicconcerts.Almostall of the public schools in the program reach a signi cant low-income population, and students that may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the Chicago Philharmonic. Schools served by this program have included Chicago Math and Science Charter School, Senn High School, Evanston Township High School, Old Orchard Junior High School, Merit School of Music, Midwest Young Artists and the Music Institute of Chicago, among many others. Families to the Phil is supported by e Pauls Foundation and Albany Bank. Next! e Chicago Philharmonic established its NEXT! initiative to give extraordinary musicians the opportunity to be heard by Chicago Philharmonic patrons, musicians and conductors. ese fresh, talented musicians are showcased in the foyer before and during the intermission of Chicago Philharmonic concerts. In recent seasons we have welcomed students from the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra, Music Institute of Chicago, Wheaton College, DePaul University, Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, Youth Choral eater of Chicago, Bienen School of Music at Northwestern University, and Chicago High School for the Arts. Spotlight Spotlight is a mentoring program designed to give professional symphonic performance opportunities to exceptional young musicians. e program provides these students an opportunity to perform with orchestra mentors in rehearsal sessions, followed by a professional performance of a major work. Past participants have been drawn from throughout the Chicago metropolitan area and have included students fromNewTrier High School, Protégé Philharmonic, Music Institute of Chicago, Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras, and Birch Creek Music Performance Center. Photo by Elliot Mandel Photo by Elliot Mandel Marimba students from ChiArts, Photo by Elliot Mandel
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