Chicago Philharmonic 2019-2020

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The CFM is proud to represent the musicians of the Chicago Philharmonic. ORFDO - : 5DQGROSK 6XLWH : &KLFDJR ,/ - - ZZZ FIP FRP 7HUU\O -DUHV 3UHVLGHQW /HR 0XUSK\ 9LFH-3UHVLGHQW %- /HY\ 6HFUHWDU\-7UHDVXUHU 5REHUW %DXFKHQV 'LUHFWRU 5LFK 'DQLHOV 'LUHFWRU %LOO 2OVHQ 'LUHFWRU -HII +DQGOH\ 'LUHFWRU %RE /L]LN 'LUHFWRU -DQLFH 0DF'RQDOG 'LUHFWRU &KDUOHV 6FKXFKDW 'LUHFWRU Next! e Chicago Philharmonic established its NEXT ! initiative to give extraordinary musicians and performers the opportunity to be heard byChicago Philharmonic patrons, musicians and conductors. ese fresh, talented artists are showcased in the foyer before Chicago Philharmonic concerts and during intermission. In recent seasons we have welcomed students from the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra, Music Institute of Chicago, Wheaton College, DePaul University, Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, Youth Choral eater of Chicago, Bienen School of Music at Northwestern University, Chicago High School for the Arts, University of Illinois at Chicago, and the Actors Gymnasium. Spotlight Spotlight is a mentoring program designed to give professional symphonic performance opportunities to exceptional young musicians. e program provides these students an opportunity to perform with orchestra mentors in rehearsal sessions, followed by a professional performance of a major work. Past participants have been drawn from throughout the Chicago metropolitan area and have included students fromNewTrier High School, Protégé Philharmonic, Music Institute of Chicago, Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras and Birch Creek Music Performance Center. is season we are excited to have ve students joining us in December 2019 for Holidays: Marcus Roberts Trio. See page 16 for details. Summer Internship anks to the Illinois Arts Council Agency’s Summer Youth Employment in the Arts program, Chicago Philharmonic has completed a second year of its summer intern project. e project gives high school music students hands-on paid training in all departments of arts management, as well as musician mentoring and performance opportunities. Along with building relationships, the program can inspire the students’ passion in school, and providemotivations to pursue arts or arts management degree in college. Students from ALAANA communities are strongly encouraged to apply, as part of Chicago Philharmonic’s commitment to improving racial equity and diversity in the arts. is year we were thrilled to have four interns join us: Jamaya Finister (Development Intern), Jiana Avila (Marketing Intern), Abbie Castro (Production Intern), and Hunter Jackson (Production Intern). is summer’s interns working at Hamilton Park for our Side by Side with the Chicago Philharmonic series Photo by Elliot Mandel Photo by Elliot Mandel Photo by Cassandra Kirkpatrick 28 2019-2020 SEASON | THE CHICAGO PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY Performers from e Actors Gymnasium UIC’s Jazz Combo performers Spotlight bassist, Nicholas Boettcher (le ), seen playing with Chicago Phil’s Jon Floeter