Chicago Wedding Resource Spring/Summer 2018-2019

WEDDING PLANNER CHICAGOWEDDINGRESOURCE.COM CHICAGO WEDDING & PARTY RESOURCE SPRING & SUMMER 2019 | 45 Insurance Automotive ________________________________________ Homeowners ________________________________________ Life ________________________________________ Health Ins. ________________________________________ Other ________________________________________ Banks Checking ________________________________________ Savings ________________________________________ 401K ________________________________________ IRA ________________________________________ Loans ________________________________________ Safety Dep. Box ________________________________________ Other ________________________________________ Stocks Bonds ________________________________________ Pension ________________________________________ Social Security ________________________________________ Leases ________________________________________ Car registration ________________________________________ Club Memberships ________________________________________ Credit Cards ________________________________________ Doctors Dentist ________________________________________ OB-GYN ________________________________________ Gen. Practitioner ________________________________________ Other ________________________________________ School Records ________________________________________ Telephone Listing ________________________________________ Post Office ________________________________________ Voter Registration ________________________________________ Wills/Trusts ________________________________________ Subscriptions ________________________________________ Driver's License ________________________________________ Other ________________________________________ To find the gift associated with a particular wedding anniversary, look up the anniversary in the chart below and find the gift for that wedding anniversary. Please note that over time the traditional anniversary gifts have been, in some cases, replaced with more modern anniversary gifts A name change checklist is a simple tool that helps you keep track of who you've told, and who you still need to tell. Use this name change checklist to help you stay organized. Anniversary Traditional Gifts Modern Gifts 1 st paper clocks, watches 2 nd cotton china 3 rd leather crystal, glass 4 th linen or owers appliances 5 th wood silverware 6 th iron wood 7 th wool or copper desk sets 8 th bronze linens, lace 9 th pottery leather 10 th tin diamond jewelry 11 th steel fashion jewelry 12 th silk pearls, gemstones 13 th lace textiles, furs 14 th ivory gold jewelry 15 th crystal watches, clocks 16 th no standard gift silver holloware 17 th no standard gift furniture 18 th no standard gift porcelain 19 th no standard gift bronze 20 th china platinum 25 th silver silver 30 th pearl diamonds 35 th coral or jade jade 40 th ruby ruby 45 th sapphire sapphire 50 th gold gold 55 th emerald emerald 60 th diamond diamond Anniversaries Name Change Information to be Changed