B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , S H O W E R S & P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
By Anna Sachse, CTW Features
Historically, rehearsal dinners have been an intimate
restaurant affair for immediate family, wedding party
members and their significant others, and the parents of any
child attendants. However, in recent years, there has been
a shift toward opening up these traditional celebrations to
more guests, as well as branching out from the standard sit-
down meal.
Here, two wedding planning experts weigh in on the why
and how of a more inclusive and creative pre-big day party.
Weddings generally bring together many people from many
different backgrounds. Having everyone get together at the
rehearsal dinner serves as an ice-breaker – by the time the
reception rolls around, everyone is already old friends.
It’s also a great way to ensure you – the bride! – actually get
to spend quality time with all your nearest and dearest. The
wedding day goes by so fast, and the couple may feel pulled
in many different directions. Hosting a more inclusive re-
hearsal dinner decreases the big day pressure on the bride
and groom, and allows for more relaxed hanging out.
If you have the inclination and the budget, go ahead and in-
clude everyone in your rehearsal festivities. But if you must
draw the line somewhere, just make sure your invite list is
For example, due to the time and expense involved in trav-
eling, destination-wedding rehearsal dinners have typically
involved all the guests. Playing off that trend, many stateside
wedding couples are now opting to include all out-of-town
guests in the day-before bash. Others might prefer to host all
their extended family members.
If the guest list is small or money is little or no object, the re-
hearsal dinner is a lovely way to add a playful or unconven-
tional element to your gala. Treat guests to a dinner show,
or or spring for dinner cruises that show off the city skyline.
Perhaps a fireworks-filled July Fourth lobster bake on a river.
Other creative options include a catered affair at a cool space
like an aquarium or racetrack, or picking a unique theme
like Old Hollywood or a luau.
That said, by no means is it necessary to spend a fortune
to have a fabulous fête. Your real focus should be having a
rehearsal dinner that feels like it represents who you are as
a couple, and fits in with the rest of your wedding weekend
events. A backyard BBQs, a picnic in the park, a pizza party
on the patio or a taco truck and s’mores on the beach are all
great bets.
If you have a fun location, then be casual with the meal. The
enjoyment is really about the atmosphere you create.
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The Redesigned Rehearsal
Get more time with your guests – and amp up the personalization –
by hosting a bigger practice party