B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , S H O W E R S & P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
‘Everyone Had a Blast! ’
That’s what every couple wants to say about their wedding.
Here are tips to make that oft-heard phrase a reality at your event
By Julia Haskins, CTW Features
Read any real-wedding story and there’s a good chance you’ll
stumble across those four words that simply sum up the
party: “Everyone had a blast!”
Yes, the wedding day is all about the couple, but the couple
also wants to create an amazing experience for the guests.
Here’s how to make an event that friends and family will rave
about for years to come.
Every wedding has a different energy to it. When planning,
ask yourself, “What do you want your guests to go home
feeling? Pretend like you’re a hostess in your own home.
What can I do to make everyone feel welcome?”
Connect with guests online through a personal website,
Twitter account or Pinterest board to get them excited for
the wedding.
It’s also important to ask, “Do you want to know everybody
there?” A small, intimate affair can be more gratifying than
a large, overwhelming event.
Instead of giving guests a choice of several meat or vegetar-
ian options, set up multiple food stations to let guests make
their own food and flavor combinations.
They get to create what they really like and they’re happy.