Forest Preserves of Cook County 2019 Spring Brochure

NORTHWEST Northwest Zone Explore what’s wild and wonderful. Eight different species of bats can be found in the Forest Preserves, and all but one migrate in the spring and fall. Some, like the red bat, stay in our area for the summer months. In comparison, silver-haired bats are only in the preserves for a day or two as a stop on their journey to more northern forests. Spring in the Preserves: Bats Bats can be found in every part of the Forest Preserves’ nearly 70,000 acres, although some like the tricolored bat are very rare. Even if you don’t see any bats on your visit, be happy they’re here. All our local bats eat insects: A single half- ounce little brown bat can eat half its body weight in insects each night. Look through this guide for other wildlife and plants that can also be found in the Northwest Zone this spring. Little brown bat. Photo by USFWS. 12