Forest Preserves of Cook County 2019 Summer Brochure

North Zone Explore what’s wild and wonderful. Five years ago, invasive buckthorn and honeysuckle choked the grand old oaks in Turnbull Woods. Now, light streams through the tree canopy to an open woodland. Restoration efforts removed brush, reduced unnaturally dense tree growth and reintroduced fire to stimulate the native seed bank and hinder invasive re-sprouts. Volunteers continue to perform invasive removal and native seed collection and dispersal, working with the Chicago Botanic Turnbull Woods Garden, to maintain this amazing transformation. Hop sedge growing in a wetland, once dominated by the common invasive species buckthorn. VISIT: View the newly restored oak woodland from the unmarked trails off the parking lot or the paved North Branch Trail along Lake Cook Rd. Find the next volunteer workday at Turnbull Woods Green Bay Rd, south of Lake Cook Rd Glencoe, IL 60022 MAP IT: 16