Forest Preserves of Cook County 2019 Summer Brochure

The southern portion of Wolf Road Prairie is crisscrossed with sidewalks—laid for a planned subdivision ended by the Great Depression. When development threatened again in the 1970s, concerned citizens formed Save the 3rairie 6ociet\ to Eu\ the firVt SarceO of what is now an 82-acre Illinois Nature Preserve. This rare remnant black soil prairie features the beautiful blooms of prairie dock, Indian plantain and prairie phlox, thanks to volunteer workdays and larger restoration Wolf Road Prairie projects that battle invasive species and collect and disperse seeds from the site’s 360 native plant species. A prescribed burn at Wolf Road Prairie. Photo: Joe Occhiuzzo VISIT: Park in a pull-off on the north side of 31st St. and explorewhat much of Northeastern Illinois looked like before large-scaleagricultureandurban development. Find the next volunteer workday at Wolf Road Prairie Nature Preserve 31st St, west of Wolf Rd Cook County, IL 60154 MAP IT: 22 22 Central Zone Explore what’s wild and wonderful.