Forest Preserves of Cook County 2019 Summer Brochure

&oPPon gaOOinuOe Shoto E\ )OicNr uVer ruVViPageV iV OicenVed under && %< Áic Nr S I o : Cropped from original. South Zone Explore what’s wild and wonderful. The wetlands at Burnham Prairie are attractive breeding grounds for marsh birds, including common gaOOinuOe 9irginia raiO and $Perican bittern. Restoration efforts here IocuV on Srotecting the Pi[ oI ParVh wet sand prairie and savanna that keeps these birds coming back to raise their young. The Forest Preserves worked with the 8 6 $rP\ &orSV oI (ngineerV to build an earthen berm to prevent polluted stormwater from entering Burnham Prairie the wetOandV $nd ongoing inYaViYe species control, including prescribed burns, protect the native plants that help these marsh birds thrive. VISIT: The parking lot provides a great view of the marsh below—don’t forget your binoculars! Burnham Prairie ( th 6t 6 0aniVtee $Ye %urnhaP ,/ MAP IT: 32