Forest Preserves of Cook County 2022 Fall Brochure

On its own, planning a nature excursion can seem daunting. How do you determine the best route for a hike or paddling trip? What gear is needed for camping? How do you prepare for contingencies? Now imagine planning an outing for a group of youth. Fortunately, the Forest Preserves of Cook County offers a series of free or low-cost training programs that empower individuals to successfully lead trips into nature with a group: Camping Leadership Immersion Course (CLIC), Day Hiking Leadership Training, and the Greater Maywood Paddling Program. Training Programs Prepare Group Leaders for Nature Adventures “We have already been doing [outings in nature] when we found out about these programs. But we are not experts on the Forest Preserves. So, the trainings allowed us to do [our trips] better, to know how to facility proper trips into nature, and to utilize the gear Contined, page 36 16