Forest Preserves of Cook County 2023 Spring Brochure

The Power of Native Plants As the snow melts and the days get longer, many Cook County residents are planning their home and community gardens. Whether looking Ior FolorIXl ÁoZers, statel\ sKrXEs or dynamic grasses, gardeners should consider native plants! There are nXPeroXs EeneÀts oI XsinJ native Slants Ior EotK SeoSle and natXre Native plants provide habitat for native pollinators, birds and other wildlife Not only do native ÁoZers, Jrasses, sKrXEs and trees attraFt Pore FolorIXl Eirds and EXtterÁies, tKe\ Srovide Eetter soXrFes oI Iood and sKelter for these and other animals. And did you know that some species of wildlife are dependent on sSeFiÀF sSeFies oI native Slants" AdXlt PonarFK EXtterÁies Ieed on tKe neFtar oI Pan\ ÁoZers, EXt tKe\ la\ tKeir eJJs e[FlXsivel\ on milkweed in our area. Compass Porcupine Grass Prairie Cord Big Blue Stem Pale Purple False Boneset Switch Grass Side Oats Indian Lead Plant Missouri Goldenrod Cone Flower 22 T r f ti l t As the snow melts and the days get longer, many Co k County residents are plan i g their home and com unity gardens. Whether lo king Ior Fol rIXl ÁoZers, statel\ sKrXEs or dynamic gras es, gardeners hould consider native plants! There are nXPeroXs EeneÀts oI XsinJ native Slants Ior EotK SeoSle and natXre Native plants provide habitat for native pollinators, birds and other wildlife Not only do native ÁoZers, Jrasses, sKrXEs and trees attraFt Pore Fol rIXl Eirds and EXtterÁies, tKe\ Srovide Eetter soXrFes oI Iood and sKelter for these and other animals. And di you know that some species of wildlife are dependent on sSeFiÀF sSeFies oI native Slants" AdXlt PonarFK EXtterÁies Ie d on tKe neFtar oI Pan\ ÁoZers, EXt tKe\ la\ tKeir eJJs e[FlXsivel\ on milkweed in our area. Compass Porcupine Grass Prairie Cord Big Blue Stem Pale Purple False Boneset Switch Grass Side Oats Indian Lead Plant Missouri Goldenrod Cone Flower 22 t C o t resi ent h nd g e er l ki g X e l s r Es r e oul er r si J ativ d at r tive pl nts provide habitat f r native po linators, birds and other wildlife Not only do native ÁoZers, Jra ses, sKrXEs and tr es a traFt Pore FolorIXl Eirds and EX terÁies, tKe\ Srovide e ter soXrFes oI I od and sKelter f r t ese and other animals. And id you know that so e species f wildlife are dependent on sSeFiÀF sSeFies oI native Slants" dXlt PonarFK EX erÁies I ed n tKe neFtar oI Pan\ ÁoZers, Xt Ke\ la\ tKeir e s e[FlXsivel\ n milkw d in our area. o pass orcupine rass Prairie Cord Big Blue Stem Pale Purple False Boneset witc rass Side Oats I i nt lde ro Cone Flower S h G