Forest Preserves of Cook County 2023 Spring Brochure

WILD GINSENG, Allium tricoccum 36 FUN FACT: Well-known for its purported health properties, wild ginseng is an herb that grows in high-quality woodland habitats, many of which are remnant. LIFE CYCLE: Wild ginseng roots take upwards oI Àve \ears to PatXre ECOLOGICAL IMPACT: Flowering ginseng Srovides a Iood soXrFe Ior Áies and bees—including bee species that are only found in remnant woodlands. WHY YOU SHOULD PROTECT THESE: Remnants are special ecosystems that retain highly intricate natural processes. #DYK? Foraging or collecting in the Forest 3reserves is SXnisKaEle ZitK a Àne oI XS to $500. If you see soPeone rePovinJ Slants, mushrooms or other items from tKe Forest 3reserves, Slease do not approach them, but do call our non-emergency police number at 708-771-1000. 3lease KelS Xs Sreserve oXr natural areas and the plants and aniPals tKat live tKere FXtXre Jenerations deserve to enMo\ KealtK\ and diverse woodlands, prairies and wetlands, too! Leave em Be! ese Plants Bene t Local Ecosystems-Continued. I I , l iu tricoc u 36 FUN FACT: Well-known for its purported health properties, wild ginseng is an herb that grows in high-quality woodland habitats, many of which are re nant. LIFE CYCLE: Wild ginseng ro ts take up ards oI Àve \ears to PatXre ECOLOGICAL I PACT: Flowering ginseng Srovides a Io d soXrFe Ior Áies and bees—including be species that are only found in remnant o dlands. HY YOU SHOULD PROTECT THESE: Remnants are special ecosystems that retain highly intricate natural proces es. Foraging or collecting in the Forest 3reserves is SXnisKaEle ZitK a Àne oI XS to $ . If you see soPeone rePovinJ Slants, mushroo s or other items fro tKe Forest 3reserves, Slease do not approach them, but do cal our non-emergency police number at 70 -7 1-10 . 3lease KelS Xs Sreserve oXr natural areas and the plants and aniPals tKat live tKere FXtXre Jenerations deserve to enMo\ KealtK\ and diverse oodlands, prairies and wetlands, to ! eave e Be! ese Plants Bene t Local Ecosyste s- ontinued. WILD GINSENG, Allium tricoccum 36 FUN FACT: Well-known for its purported health properties, wild ginseng is an herb that grows in high-quality woodla d habitats, many of which are remnant. LIFE CYCLE: Wild ginseng roots tak upwards oI Àve \ears to PatXre ECOLOGICAL IMPACT: Flowering ginseng Sr vides a Iood soXrFe Ior Áies and be s—including bee species that are only found in remnant woodlands. WHY YOU SHOULD PROTECT THESE: Remnants are special ecosystems that retain highly intricate natural processes. #DYK? Foraging or collecting in the Forest 3reserves is SXnisKaEle ZitK a Àne oI XS to $500. If you see soPeone rePovinJ Slants, mushrooms or other items from tKe Forest 3reserves, Slease do not approach them, but do call our non-emergency police number at 708-771-1000. 3lease KelS Xs Sreserve oXr natural areas and the plants and aniPals tKat live tKere FXtXre Jenerations deserve to enMo\ KealtK\ and diverse woodlands, prairies and wetlands, too! Leave em Be! ese Plants Bene t Local Ecosystems-Continued.