Forest Preserves of Cook County 2023 Summer Brochure

Silic prefers fishing for walleye, which he likes breaded and deep- fried; or trout, grilled inside a foil pack with a light seasoning and butter. “I’m a simple man,” he says simply. 36 Busse Reservoir, Skokie Lagoons, Tampier Lake near Orland Park, and Maple Lake near Willow Springs offer concession facilities with rentals and equipment; Silic suggests checking with the vendor about hours and prices. “Depending on the site, they might have live bait,” he says. “They’re going to have basic tackle, lures, hooks, fishing lines, and smaller rods and reels. If you’re a new angler, these lakes are managed to provide easy shoreline fishing.” For beginners, Silic would recommend a lighter test line, probably between six and 10 pounds, and smaller-sized hooks. “People have a tendency to go bigger, but you don’t need giant hooks,” he says. “It depends on what you’re fishing for, whether you want to do a bobber or use lure.” Forest Preserves Lures Anglers, continued from page 14. STEVE’S SIMPLE TROUT RECIPE Rainbow trout are only stocked into the 6 trout lakes during the Spring and Fall. • Salt, pepper or add your favorite spices. • Wrap in tinfoil or grill on high heat. • 6 min. No flipping! Leave the skin on! • Add a squirt of lemon. • Enjoy! T r o u t s t o c k i n g a t G r e e n L a k e . T a m p i e r L a k e Tampier Lake Tampier Lake