Forest Preserves of Cook County 2024 Spring Brochure

Watch for These Feathered Friends During Spring As a stop along the Mississippi Flyway, the Forest Preserves of Cook County’s healthy habitats provide prime locations for both migrating birds and resident species to find safe spots to rest and refuel. Be sure to watch for these species during a springtime birding excursion! COOK COUNTY LOCALS Commonly spotted this season, here are some of our spring residents. #DYK? The Mississippi flyway is an aerial route used by migrating birds that connects Canada and the United States to locations in Mexico, Central and South America. Because of our prime location along this route, the Forest Preserves are a birding destination in spring and fall, and welcome nearly 300 different bird species throughout any given year. Learn more about birding in the Preserves at . OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS A common sighting during spring, these birds are just visiting. WHERE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and grasslands FUN FACT: This large bird mates for life and can remain with its partner for decades. Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) 22 Watch for These Feathered Friends During Spring As a stop along the Mississippi Flyway, the Forest Preserves of Cook County’s healthy habitats provide prime locations for both migrating birds and resident species to find safe spots to rest and refuel. Be sure to watch for these species during a springtime birding excursion! COOK COUNTY LOCALS Commonly spotted this season, here are some of our spring residents. #DYK? The Mississippi flyway is an aerial route used by migrating birds that connects Canada and the United States to locations in Mexico, Central and South America. Because of our prime location along this route, the Forest Preserves are a birding destination in spring and fall, and welcome nearly 300 different bird species throughout any given year. Learn more about birding in the Prese rves at . OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS A common sighting during spring, these birds are just visiting. WHERE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and grasslands FUN FACT: This large bird mates for life and can remain with its partner for decades. Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) 2 Watch for These Feathered Friends During Spring As a stop along the Mi issippi Flyway, the Forest Pr serves of Cook County’s healt y habitats provide prime locations for both migrating birds and resident species to find safe spo s to rest and refuel. Be sure to watch for th se species during a springtime birding excursion! COOK COUNTY LOCALS Commonly spotted this season, here are some f our spring residents. #DYK? The Mississippi flyway is an aerial route used by migrating birds that connects C n da and the United States t locations in Mexico, Centr l and South America. Because f ou prime location along this route, the Forest Pr serves are a birding destinatio in spring and fall, and welcome nearly 300 diff rent bird species throughout any given year. Learn more about birding in the Preserves at fpd rdi ng . OUT-OF-TOWN GUE TS A common sighting during spring, these birds are just visiting. WH RE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and grasslands FUN FACT: This large bird mates for life and can remain with its partner for decades. Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) 22