Forest Preserves of Cook County 2024 Spring Brochure

CENTRAL Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests, grasslands and wetlands FUN FACT: Both males and females show stunning patches of vibrant yellow feathers. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) FUN FACT: This bird of prey is the smallest falcon in North America. WHERE TO FIND ME: Grasslands American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests FUN FACT: With a sweet tooth, this songbird enjoys fruits and flower nectar. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) WHERE TO FIND ME: Open water FUN FACT: This tiny duck nests in old holes made by woodpeckers. WHERE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and open water FUN FACT: This duck nests in existing tree cavities or in elevated human-made nest boxes. 23 CENTRAL Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests, grasslands and wetlands FUN FACT: Both males and females show stunning patches of vibrant yellow feathers. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) FUN FACT: This bird of prey is the smallest falcon in North America. WHERE TO FIND ME: Grasslands American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests FUN FACT: With a sweet tooth, this songbird enjoys fruits and flower nectar. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) WHERE TO FIND ME: Open water FUN FACT: This tiny duck nests in old holes made by woodpeckers. WHERE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and open water FUN FACT: This duck nests in existing tree cavities or in elevated human-made nest boxes. 23 CENTRAL Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests, grasslands and wetlands FUN FACT: Both males and females show stunning patches of vibrant yellow feathers. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) FUN FACT: This bird of prey is the smallest falcon in North America. WHERE TO FIND ME: Grasslands American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests UN FACT: With a sweet tooth, this songbird enjoys fruits and flower nectar. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) WHERE TO FIND ME: Open water FUN FACT: This tiny duck nests in old holes made by woodpeckers. WHERE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and open water FUN FACT: This duck nests in existing tree cavities or in elevated human-made nest boxes. 23 CENTRAL Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests, grasslands and wetlands FUN FACT: Both males and females show stunning patches of vibrant yellow feathers. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) FUN FACT: This bird of prey is the smallest falcon in North America. WHERE TO FIND ME: Grasslands American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests FUN FACT: With a sweet tooth, this songbird enjoys fruits and flower nectar. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) WHERE TO FIND ME: Open water FUN FACT: This tiny duck nests in old holes made by woodpeckers. WHERE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and open water FUN FACT: This duck nests in existing tree cavities or in elevated human-made nest boxes. 23 Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests, grassla s and wetlands FUN FACT: Both l and females show stunnin p tches f vibrant yellow feathers. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola) FUN FACT: This bird of prey is the smallest falcon in North America. WHERE TO FIND ME: Grasslands American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) WHERE TO FIND ME: Forests FUN FACT: With a sweet tooth, this songbird enjoys fruits and flower nectar. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) WHERE TO FIND ME: Open water FUN FACT: Thi iny duck nests in old hole made by woodpeckers. WHERE TO FIND ME: Wetlands and open water FUN FACT: This duck es s in existing tree cavitie or in elevated human-made nest boxe