Forest Preserves of Cook County 2024 Spring Brochure
Become a Concessionaire in the Forest Preserves of Cook County Applications now available Conviértaseen u concesionario con el Forest Preserves de Cook County Las solicitudes se pueden completar visitándonos en concessions SOUTHWEST ZONE THROUGHOUT the SEASON Bird Walks Join a naturalist as we explore this preserve while looking for local birds. Thursday, Mar 14; Saturday, Mar 23, 8–10 am McGinnis Slough, S La Grange Rd, south of W 135th St, Orland Park Nature Hike and Journaling Hike and learn while enjoying the fun of drawing and writing. Create a journal or bring your own. Thursday, Mar 14 • 11 am–1 pm Orland Grassland, W 167th St, west of S La Grange Rd, Orland Par- Weaving Workshop Create a small wall hanging art piece using natural materials. Supplies, instruc- tion provided. Ages 10 & up, ages 10–17 w/adult. Thursday, Mar 14 • 5:30–7:30 pm Swallow Cliff Pavilion, Calumet Sag Rd/Rte 83, west of La Grange Rd/96th Ave, Palos Park Waterfowl Watch* Join us as we peer through a spotting scope and watch for migratory waterfowl. Ages 14 & up. Wednesday, Mar 27 • 10 am McGinnis Slough, S La Grange Rd, south of W 135th St, Orland Park SOUTHWEST ZONE
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