Forest Preserves of Cook County 2024 Summer Brochure

A SOUTHWEST SAGAWAU *Registration required for events with asterisk. Bird Banding Join us for an evening of tagging and releasing to learn about our birds. Wednesday, Jun 18 • 5–7 pm JULY Insects Behind the Icons: Parasitoids and Xenomorphs* Parasitoids inspired one of horror’s greatest icons, the xenomorph from the “Alien” franchise. Learn how the ecology of these insects led to the iconic monster. Saturday, Jul 6 • 1 pm Jewels of the Night: Fireflies* Presentation and walk to learn how to identify fireflies. Wednesday, Jul 10 • 7:30–9:30 pm Morning Moths* Celebrate National Moth Week. Join us as we head down to Sagawau’s magic porch to see the diversity of moths resting from their nighttime escapades. Saturday, Jul 20 • 9:30 am Sagawau Symbiosis* Talk and walk with us to learn about the specialized relationship between certain fungi and plants. Age 18 & up. Sunday, Jul 21 • 1 pm Dragons and Damsels* Join us as we watch aerial artists hunt and fight for territory in awe-inspiring aerial displays. Includes a moderate 1-mile walk. Ages 12 & up. Friday, Jul 26 • 1 pm Rise & Shine, Hummingbirds* Bring your coffee to wake up with the hummingbirds. Saturday, Aug 3; Sunday, Aug 11; Wednesday, Aug 28 • 6:30–8 am Make Hummingbirds Happy* Invite hummingbirds to your garden. We’ll discuss gardening tips, feed- ing, pest control and answer your questions. Sunday, Aug 4 • 1 pm Hummingbird Sit–Accessible!* Spend some time in our humming- bird garden. Staff will answer your hummingbird questions. Wednesday, Aug 7; Sundays, Aug 18 & 25 • 10–11 am The Jewels of Mexico* An indoor presentation about hummingbirds’ legend and cultural significance will be followed by a walk to the hummingbird garden. Saturday, Aug 10 • 2 pm Hummingbird FEST Join us for activities, viewing, and demos of how the birds are banded for tracking and research purposes. Saturday, Aug 17 • 9 am–2 pm Hummingbird Patrol* Walk away from the feeders and watch hummingbirds with staff in some of their other favorite spots at Sagawau. Saturday, Aug 24 • 1 pm HUMMINGBIRD EVENTS 31A SOUTHWEST SAGAWAU *Registration required for events with asterisk. 630-257-2045 Animal Track Hunt* Whose tracks are in the mud? Join us for the hunt and learn about tracks along the trails. Sunday, Apr 7 • 1 pm ENTICE Workshop: The Wonderful World of Lichens* In partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, explore the world of lichens by learning about this symbiotic partnership. Learn ways to identify lichens and how lichens can be incorporated into your classroom. PD hours available. Register at Saturday, Apr 13 • 9 am–3 pm Accessible Wildflower Walk* This leisurely walk will highlight wildflowers along a paved driveway. Sunday, Apr 14 • 1 pm Wildflower Walk* Enjoy a hike to look for wildflowers while learning how to identify these ephemeral beauties. Saturday, Apr 20; Sunday, May 12 • 1 pm Fantastic Ferns* Join us for a discussion and short walk to investigate this fascinating group of vascular plants. Ages 18 & up. Sunday, Apr 21 • 1 pm Ecological Restoration: Garlic Mustard Pull Celebrate Earth Day by welcoming back native plants and wildlife by pulling invasive garlic mustard. Monday, Apr 22 • 9:30–11:30 am MAY Book Discussion: Conversations with Birds* Enjoy a shared love of reading and birds as we discuss this book y Priyanka Kumar. Saturday, May 4 • 1 p Bird Banding Banding at Sagawau is beginning its 27th year. See birds up close while learning about this scientific study method. Sun, May 5 • 10 am–Noo World Migratory Bird Day Celebrate migratory birds and watch bird banding demonstrations while learning how insects affect bird populations. Saturday, May 11 • 9 am–2 pm Welcome Back, Cicadas! Welcome brood 13 of periodical cicadas. We will search for their emergence holes and learn how to identify good cicada trees. Saturday, May 18 • 1–3 pm Periodical Cicadas: Special Exhibit Periodical cicad s re urn to Northe stern Illinois. This special xh bit will help answer your buzzing qu stions ab ut periodic l cic das. Daily, May 19–June 30 fpdc .com Periodical Cicada (cropp d), by Fidencio Ma bella 31 A SOUTHWEST SAGAWAU *Registration required for events with asterisk. 630-257-2045 Animal Track Hunt* Whose track are in the mud? Join us for the hunt an learn ab ut tracks along th rails. Sunday, Apr 7 • 1 pm ENTICE Workshop: The Wonderful World of Lichens* In partnership with the Illinois Department of N ural Resources, xplore the world of lich ns by learning about this symbiotic partnership. Learn ways to identify lichens and how lichens can be incorporated into your classroom. PD hours available. Register at Satur ay, Apr 13 • 9 m–3 pm Accessible Wildflower Walk* This leisurely walk will highlight wildflowers along a paved driveway. Sunday, Apr 14 • 1 pm Wildflow r Walk* Enjoy a hike to look for wildflowers while learning how to identify these ephemeral beauties. Saturday, Apr 20; Sunday, May 12 • 1 pm Fantastic Ferns* J in us for a discussion and short walk to investigate this fascinating group of vascular plants. Ages 18 & up. Sunday, Apr 21 • 1 pm Ecological Restoration: Garlic Mustard Pull Celebrate Earth Day by welcoming back native plants and wildlife by pulling invasive garlic mustard. Monday, Apr 22 • 9:30–11:30 am MAY Book Discussion: Conversations with Birds* Enjoy a shared love of reading and birds as we discuss this book by Priyanka Kumar. Saturday, May 4 • 1 pm Bird Banding Banding at Sagawau is beginning its 27th year. See birds up close while learning about this scient fic study method. Sun, May 5 • 10 am–Noon World Migratory Bird D y Celebrate migratory birds and watch bird banding demonstrations while learning how insects affect bird populations. Saturday, May 11 • 9 am–2 pm Welcome Back, Cicadas! Welcome brood 13 of periodical cicadas. We will search for their emergence holes and learn how to identify good cicada trees. Saturday, May 18 • 1–3 pm Periodical Cicadas: Special Exhibit Periodical cicadas return to Northeastern Illinois. This special exhibit will help answer your buzzing questions about periodical cicadas. Daily, May 19–June 30 Periodical Cicada (cropped), by Fidencio Marbella 31