Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Spring
TEMPORARY EXHIBIT 28 BUILD IT! Calling all little architects: We’re offering a new twist on an old favorite—the building block! Explore the seven stages of block play with a wide selection of unique and interesting blocks of all shapes and sizes from Imagination Playground, Fat Brain Toys, and others! Experts agree that block play lays the foundation for future math and science concepts in a fun, engaging way! Things to do: ❍ Unleash your creative mind with our big blue Imagination Playground blocks to create a castle, a vehicle, an animal, or whatever you can dream up! ❍ Build in 3-D with magnetic wooden blocks and colorful tiles. ❍ Construct a replica of Chicago’s own Willis Tower. ❍ Test your building’s strength and stability on our earthquake platform. FEBRUARY 12 JUNE 30, 2019 Build It! has been sponsored by with in-kind support from
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