Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter

14 LET CHILDREN LEAD: Encourage children to explore at their own pace. BE A ROLE MODEL: Children learn behavior by watching and imitating. Encourage good habits like saying “please,” “excuse me,” and “thank you.” Help children replace items where they belong. ASK OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS: Build children’s cognitive and language skills by asking questions that require more than yes or no answers, such as “Why do you think this happened?” or “What do you think will happen next?” FOCUS, ASSIST, INTERACT: The Museum is designed for adults and children to play together. Look throughout the exhibits for concept signage and parent tips – they will give you ideas to enhance the learning experience. SHARING: Many of our exhibits encourage cooperation and collaboration. Help children to work together, take turns, and share. PREPARING TO LEAVE: Use time cues to let children know you will be leaving soon. For example, tell children there are 10 minutes left before it is time to leave. Let the children choose one favorite exhibit to explore before departing. SAFETY FIRST: Consider taking a photo of your children with your phone when you arrive. If you accidentally get separated, that photo can help Museum sta assist in reuniting you. CONTINUE THE LEARNING: Visit our website for ideas of activities to build on your child’s learning experience. TIPS FOR CAREGIVERS