Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter
18 EXHIBITS What makes you special? In this exhibit, nd out more about what makes every visitor special and unique. Try it: ❍ See what you look like from behind with the video cameras. ❍ Create an outline of your entire body in Pinpressions. ❍ Record your voice and then play it back fast or slow. Fill in the blanks: 1. I weigh as much as ___________ milk jugs. 2. I am ___________ feet and ___________ inches tall. Take on the role of a doctor or nurse and care for babies in this child-sized nursery. Try it: ❍ Examine and treat babies using a scale, stethoscope, X-ray viewer, and other tools. ❍ Dress, change, bathe, and feed the babies to keep them happy. ❍ Talk, sing, read, and play with the babies. ❍ Play di erent lullabies in multiple languages to help babies sleep. Find out: 1. How much does a baby doll weigh? 2. How do doctors and nurses help babies? 3. How many lullaby languages are there? Baby Nursery has been underwritten by Advocate Children’s Hospital. ALL ABOUT ME BABY NURSERY
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