Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter
20 Count, touch, manipulate, experiment, and explore: that’s what science is all about! Take a journey through science, math, and technology in this exhibit, based on the city of Chicago. Try it: ❍ Make a triangle on the Willis Tower Geoscraper. ❍ Find a route on the train tables to deliver cargo from one end of town to the other. ❍ Crank a wheel to light up all the oors of the John Hancock Center. ❍ Use colored magnets to create a cityscape. Find out: 1. Why do you think that round objects like balls and eggs will oat on an air stream, but objects with at surfaces will not? 2. Why can magnets move some objects but not others? CITY ON THE MOVE City on the Move has been underwritten by Union Paci c and ComEd, an Exelon Company. STATION Many little hands can make big things happen! In this exhibit, children learn that teaming up and working together makes things easier. Try it: ❍ Get four friends to pedal, pump, and push buttons to in ate all the fabric tubes at one time! ❍ Meet a new friend by talking on one of the video phones. ❍ Send one of the rolling balls down the correct path to ring the gong. Find out: • What happens when the basket in the ball launcher becomes full of ping pong balls? COOPERATION EXHIBITS
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