Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter
26 EXHIBITS TURTLE In this live animal exhibit, you can observe young southern painted turtles, which are native to Illinois. Use your observation skills to discover how turtles move, swim, eat, and interact with each other. Try it: ❍ Look carefully at the shells of the turtles to see if you can tell them apart. ❍ Count howmany turtles you see in the exhibit. Look carefully – turtles like to hide in tall grasses and under rocks! Did You Know? Turtles are reptiles, and therefore cold-blooded. They need to use their environment to keep their bodies warm. Can you spot two ways our turtles might keep warm? Turtle Rock has been underwritten by Kendra and Thys Wallace and Family. ROCK Vroom vroom! Pull into the Car Garage exhibit to take a trip through the wonderful world of automobiles. Try it: ❍ Scan the code on the parking app reader to turn the red Stop light to a green Go light. ❍ Use tools to x the engine on a pretend car. ❍ Turn the cranks on the car wash to make the rollers spin. ❍ Change two tires on the car. Find out: 1. What happens on the test track if you race two cars in the same lane? 2. What di erent car sounds can you identify by pressing buttons in the pretend car? 3. What kind of power do you think the pretend car uses in order to drive? S POT H ERO CAR GARAGE
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