Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter
28 TEMPORARY EXHIBIT HELD OVER THROUGH MARCH 29, 2020 TALLY HO! Join Nature Cat and his buddies as they frolic in the great outdoors, venturing out past their own backyard on adventures into different environments! In this new exhibit created by Kohl Children’s Museum and making its WORLD DEBUT here, children can use their senses in different habitats, use science and math tools to investigate, and gain a new appreciation for Mother Nature! Things to do: ❍ Climb through Nature Cat’s scratching post before escaping to the backyard. ❍ Help Squeeks clean up the marsh by sorting trash and recycling. ❍ Slide down Ronald’s hill toward the mysterious cave. ❍ Discover biolumniscent (“glow-in-the-dark”) creatures in the cave. ❍ Repurpose tires, pails, and boots to become planters in Daisy’s garden. Nature Cat‛s Friends SQUEEKS , the fearless adventurer mouse HAL , the loyal lovable dog DAISY , the brainiest bunny around RONALD , the lazy housecat Nature Cat: Backyard and Beyond has been underwritten by The Hamill Family Foundation and was developed by Kohl Children’s Museum in partnership with
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