Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter

36 Tue, Feb 25: Monthly Make Believe – Trains, Planes and Automobiles Day! It’s all about wheels and motors and things that go today! Dress up as a pilot, race car driver, or engineer, and take part in a slew of activities to stretch your imagination. Fri, Feb 28, 5:30 – 8 p.m.: Members-Only Evening Museum exhibits will be open exclusively for the use of Kohl Children’s Museum members and their guests! Free admission for all those covered under active Museum memberships; guests may be asked to pay regular admission rates. Sun, Mar 8, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.: Play Attention The Museum will be open exclusively for the use of military and veteran families. Free registration required. Visit www.kcmgc.org/play-attention for more information. Tue, Mar 17: Election Day Exercise your right to vote as we hold an election for Favorite Exhibit! Mon, Mar 23: Spring Break The Museum will observe extended Monday hours until 5 p.m. Tue, Mar 31: Monthly Make Believe – Storybook Day! Do you have a beloved storybook character? Come dressed as your favorite and we’ll enjoy all kinds of literacy-themed activities, many based on your favorite classic stories. We may even make up some stories of our own! Mon, Apr 6: Spring Break The Museum will observe extended Monday hours until 5 p.m. Sat, Apr 11, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Habitat Park Egg Hunt Colorful eggs will be hidden all over our outdoor Habitat Park exhibit. It’s up to sharp-eyed little guests to nd 6 matching egg colors to earnt he chance pick a special prize egg with coupons, gift cards, even 1-year memberships to the Museum! Additional tickets required. May be rescheduled due to inclement weather. CALENDAR OF EVENTS GARDEN BUDDIES Taking place every Friday from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. in Habitat Park beginning April 3, this program lets children learn about seeds, weeds, worms, fruits and vegeta- bles, and the joys of digging in the dirt and growing plants. Master gardeners from University of Illinois Extension and other local horticultural institutions lead sessions.