Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter
40 CALENDAR OF EVENTS The Museum’s Tinkering Tuesday program encourages children to do what they do best - let their curiosity take over! Explore the world of engineering by building machines and creating processes, and then explore what happens when you make changes or do things differently. Programming takes place approximately every other Tuesday from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. on the Museum’s STEAM Cart at announced locations in the Museum exhibits. Jan 7 & 21: Does it Sink or Float? Put your engineer caps on and help us test different materials to design a contraption that stays afloat. Feb 4 & 18: Paper Airplanes Have you ever made a paper airplane? How well did it fly? Test your folding skills and create your own paper aircraft. Mar 3, 7 & 31: Gizmos Galore! Inspired by Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty, stretch your imagination and build your own invention. There is no right or wrong way to engineer. Programming underwritten by TINKERING TUESDAYS
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