Kohl Children's Musuem Guide 2019 Winter

Story Time takes place Mondays at 11 a.m. (selections for children birth to 5) and Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. (selections for children 4 to 8). Walk into the pages of two different books every month with our interactive storytelling led by Museum professionals. Literary programming underwritten in part by EY. Mondays at 11 a.m. (for younger children) Jan 6, 13, 20 & 27: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown Brown In a great green room, tucked away in bed, is a little bunny. Say “good night” with him to all the familiar things in his room during this classic story. Feb 3, 10, 17 & 24: Be a Friend by Salina Yoon Rather than show-and-tell, Dennis decides to become a mime. But being a mime can be lonely. It isn’t until Dennis meets a girl named Joy that he discovers the power of friendship! Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30: Simon and the Wind by Giles Tibo Simon tries to use the wind to fly. Can bubbles help him? How about birds? And if he just can’t fly, what can he and his friends do with the wind? Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. (for older children) Jan 8, 15, 22, & 29: Who’s Making That Smell? by Philip Hawthorn and Jenny Tyler Ben and his sister Annabel try to figure out who is responsible for the pleasant and unpleasant odors that can be smelled in and around the house. Feb 5, 12, 19, & 26: The Perfect Pet by Margie Palatini Elizabeth really wants a pet: a horse, a dog, a cat, or even a turtle. But her parents do not want a pet. Instead they give her a cactus. But over time, she and her parents find a perfect compromise – what kind of pet could it be? Mar 4, 11, 28, & 25: Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty Inspired by Ada Lovelace and Marie Curie, a young girl demonstrates the power of curiosity and determination in this empowering STEM-focused story. 41 CALENDAR OF EVENTS STORY TIME Programming underwritten by