Lyric Opera 2018-2019 Issue 3 Idomeneo
L Y R I C O P E R A O F C H I C A G O 56 | October 13 - November 2, 2018 Gifts of $500 and above contributed in the name of a friend, loved one or colleague are a unique expression of thoughtfulness. In Memory Of: John R. Blair from Barbara Blair Sandra Box from Barbara Box John "Jack" V. Crowe from John and Judy Keller, Lisbeth Stiffel Larry Fox from Julie Benson Jane Rolandi Gray fromWilliam Porter Elaine De G. Harvey from Daggett Harvey and Yvonne Yamashita omas W. Hill from Richard Nora Angela Holtzman from Marjory M. Oliker Katie Jacobson from Lisbeth Stiffel Lee and Billye Jennings from Alfred Goldstein Kip Kelley, Sr. from Anonymous, Aon Corporation, Kip and Sarah Kelley, Charles and Mary Shea, Lisbeth Stiffel, John Sullivan, William and Kathie Vit Kip Kelley, Sr. and Ed Zasadil from James Alexander and Curtis Drayer William Laird Kleine-Ahlbrandt from Sheila Hegy Nancy Knowles from Roberta and Robert Washlow Gordon G. Lakin from Lawrence and JoAnne Winer Robert H. Malott from John Furrer, fromWainwright Investment Council, LLC, Vivi Martens from James Karr Armida Melino Melone from Bernadette McCarthy Hugo Melvoin from Lois Melvoin Virginia Byrne Mooney from Kathleen Vondran Dr. Antonio E. Navarrete from Virginia Navarrete Peer and Sarah Pedersen from James Bramsen Dr. Robert A. Pringle from Marla Pringle Diane Ragains from James Tucker Marilyn and Roland Resnick from J. Kline Joan Richards from Harris Family Foundation, Alan and Drue Huish, Harry Roper and Helen Marlborough' Craig Sirles , Gisela Elizabeth Rill from Mary Ring Shirley Ryan's parents from Patrick and Shirley Ryan Dr. Sheldon K. Schiff from Sheldon Schiff Stephen Schulson from Susan Schulson Edwin J. Seeboeck from James Heim Nancy Wald from e Humanist Fund Irving and Ruth Waldshine from Deane Ellis, Marcia Purze Dr. William Warren from Marshall and Joann Goldin Sarita Warshawsky from Carol Warshawsky Nikolay Zhizhin from Larisa Zhizhin In Honor Of: Ken Babe from the Riverside Chapter Julie Baskes from Peter Wender Marion Cameron from Susan Payne Renee Crown from Minow Family Foundation Angela DeStefano from Jerry and Kathy Biederman Erika Erich from Richard Moore Sally Feder from Dan Feder, Carroll Joynes and Abby O'Neil, Paula Kahn, Philip Lumpkin, Julia Nowicki Dr. Bradley Fine and family from Bradley Fine Regan Friedmann from Eisen Family Foundation, Leslie and Donna Pinsof Kay and Craig Tuber Ruth Ann Gillis from Lisbeth Stiffel Keith Kiley Goldstein from Patricia Cox Caroline Huebner from Jason and Rachel Mersey Lori Julian from Charles Brooks and Suzan Bramson Mary Klyasheff from Peoples Gas Margot and Josef Lakonishok from Arsen and Elizabeth Manugian Frank and Lynne Modruson from Donna Gustafsson Frank Modruson from Protiviti Gael Neeson and Stefan Edlis from Tom Shapiro Sylvia Neil & Dan Fischel from Andrea Markowicz Sue Niemi from BCLLP Foundation Greg O'Leary from Suzanne Wagner Richard O. Ryan from Ardell Arthur, Michael and Sally Feder Shirley Ryan from Rodney and Keith Goldstein Nancy Searle from Carol and James Pollock, Michael and Lynne Terry Nancy Searle and Keith Goldstein from Prince Charitable Trusts Mary Selander fromWilliam and Carol Vance Liz Stiffel from Ruth Ann Gillis and Michael McGuinnis Dr. Bryan Traubert from Pritzker Foundation Commemorative Gifts Champion a Lyric Star Mainstage Singer Sponsorship Begin an extraordinary journey behind the curtain when you champion your favorite singer by becoming their Mainstage Singer Sponsor. Enjoy special access to your star and revel in exclusive Mainstage Singer Sponsor benefits created just for you, including: • A private luncheon or dinner with your sponsored artist (or conductor or director or designer) • Invitations to select closed rehearsals, backstage visits, or special artist-related activities • Recognition in your sponsored artist’s program biography • A commemorative photo album featuring highlights from your artist’s Lyric season performances. For more information, please contact Lawrence DelPilar: 312.827.5653 | Thank you to our generous 2018/19 mainstage singer sponsor: Drs. Young, Byong Uk, andMrs. Myung Soon Chung , sponsor of Samuel Youn/Alberich in Siegfried . NINA STEMME RUSSELL THOMAS ALBINA SHAGIMURATOVA
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