Lyric Opera 2018-2019 Issue 6 Il Travatore

L Y R I C O P E R A O F C H I C A G O December 1, 2018 - January 20, 2019 | 53 Lyric Endowed Chairs Supports Established by Chorus Master Howard A. Stotler Concertmaster Mrs. R. Robert Funderburg, in honor of Sally Funderburg Costume Designer Richard P. and Susan Kiphart General Director e Women’s Board, in loving memory of Ardis Krainik Lighting Director Mary-Louise and James S. Aagard, in honor of Duane Schuler Music Director John D. and Alexandra C. Nichols Production and Technical Director* Allan and Elaine Muchin Wigmaster and Makeup Designer* Marlys Beider, in loving memory of Harold Beider Ryan Opera Center Director e Ryan Opera Center Board Ryan Opera Center Music Director Edgar D. Jannotta Family Lyric Production Endowment Funds Supports Established by American Operas* Robert and Ellen Marks Baroque Operas Anonymous Bel Canto Operas* Mr. and Mrs. William H. Redfield French Operas W. James and Maxine P. Farrell German Operas* Irma Parker Italian Operas e NIB Foundation Mozart Operas Regenstein Foundation, in honor of Ruth Regenstein Puccini Operas* Mary Patricia Gannon Verdi Operas e Guild Board Wagner Operas Anonymous Supporting Our Future – Endowments at Lyric As a perpetual fund, annually distributing a designated portion of earnings and investment income, endowments provide a steady source of funding so Lyric can be a leader in the opera world – now and into the future. is list includes endowments that have received partial funding and endowments that will be funded with a future commitment - to learn more about contributing to an existing endowment or establishing your own endowment please contact Lyric’s Gift Planning Office at 312. 827.5654 or email Lyric Endowment Funds John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Endowment Sarah and A. Watson Armour III Endowment Shirley and Benjamin Gould Endowment Ryan Opera Center Endowment Funds Dr. C. Bekerman Endowment* omas Doran Endowment* Boyd Edmonston & Edward Warro Endowment* James K. Genden and Alma Koppedraijer Endowment* J. omas Hurvis Endowment Fund, in memory of Richard P. Kiphart Robert and Ellen Marks Ryan Opera Center Vocal Studies Program*, in honor of Gianna Rolandi Lois B. Siegel Endowment* Joanne Silver Endowment* Drs. Joan and Russ Zajtchuk Endowment* Lyric Unlimited Endowment Funds Katherine A. Abelson Education Endowment Dr. C. Bekerman Endowment* Raynette and Ned Boshell Endowment George F. and Linda L. Brusky Youth Education Endowment e Chapters’ Education Endowment, in memory of Alfred Glasser James K. Genden and Alma Koppedraijer Endowment* *Future Planned Gift Generous endowment gifts help to make possible productions such as Gounod's Romeo and Juliet.