Lyric Opera 2018-2019 Issue 6 Il Travatore

L Y R I C O P E R A O F C H I C A G O 54 | December 1, 2018 - January 20, 2019 Anna Netrebko in Recital NIB Foundation Annual Meeting Dinner 2018 Strategy&, part of the PwC network Audience Development Initiative e Wallace Foundation Cast Parties An Anonymous Donor Stephen Kohl and Mark Tilton Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Innovation Initiative Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan Lyric Signature Events PwC United Scrap Metal, Inc. Official Airline American Airlines Opening Night Opera Ball 2018 Opening Night Gala Sponsor Aon Opera Ball Sponsors ITW Northern Trust e Poet Premium Sponsors e Crown Family Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan Liz Stiffel e Painter Premium Sponsors An Anonymous Donor Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Buchbinder closerlook, inc. Karen Z. Gray-Krehbiel and John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Harris Family Foundation Blythe Jaski McGarvie Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn Betsy and Andy Rosenfield Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Silva e Philosopher Premium Sponsors Nancy S. Searle ierer Family Foundation e Performer Premium Sponsors Sylvia Neil and Daniel Fischel Additional Support Chavez-Tatro Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. James Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Philip Friedmann Anne Perillo Michuda Mr. and Mrs. Todd D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Molo Ellen and Jim Stirling Overture Society Luncheons Susan M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Merrill E. Blau Rhoda and Henry Frank Family Foundation Planned Giving Seminars Morgan Stanley (2) Projected English Titles Lloyd E. Rigler-Lawrence E. Deutsch Foundation Renée Fleming Initiative An Anonymous Donor Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe e Crown Family J. omas Hurvis e Richard P. and Susan Kiphart Family John D. and Alexandra C. Nichols Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan Renée Fleming 25th Anniversary Concert & Gala Premium Sponsors e Crown Family Jenner & Block Liz Stiffel Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn J. Christopher and Anne N. Reyes Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan West Side Story Celebration Premium Table Sponsors An Anonymous Donor Marion A. Cameron Karen Z. Gray-Krehbiel and John H. Krehbiel, Jr. ITW Annie and Gregory K. Jones Lazard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marjan J. Christopher and Anne N. Reyes Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan Reed Smith LLP Brenda Robinson Ilene Simmons Liz Stiffel Anne Zenzer and Dominick DeLuca Additional Support An Anonymous Donor Major Contributors — Special Events and Project Support Lyric is grateful to the following generous donors for their support of special events and projects. Listings include contributors whose gifts of $5,000 and above were received by October 1, 2018.