Lyric Opera 2018-2019 Issue 6 Il Travatore
L Y R I C O P E R A O F C H I C A G O 60 | December 1, 2018 - January 20, 2019 e Overture Society e Overture Society consists of dedicated supporters of Lyric who have designated a special gift, through bequests, trusts, or other planned giving arrangements, to benefit Lyric. ese generous gifts will ensure Lyric’s artistic success well into the twenty-first century for succeeding generations of Lyric audiences. Lyric is honored to acknowledge these members of the Overture Society. Aria Benefactors Lyric acknowledges with deep appreciation the extraordinary support of the following individuals who comprise the Aria Benefactors of the Overture Society. ese individuals have made leadership gift plans which will benefit Lyric far into the future and in gratitude we are pleased to offer annual benefits at the Aria Society level. For information about becoming an Aria Benefactor, please call Lyric’s Gift Planning Office at at 312 827-5654 or email . Advisory Council Joseph O. Rubinelli, Jr., McDermott Will & Emery LLP Chairman Patrick Bitterman, Quarles & Brady LLP Christopher Brathwaite, William Blair Mary C. Downie, BMO Financial Group Barbara Grayson, Jenner & Block Marguerite H. Griffin, Northern Trust Benetta Jenson, J. P. Morgan Private Bank Neil Kawashima, McDermott Will & Emery LLP Dorothy Korbel, U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Michael A. LoVallo, Reed Smith Louis Marchi, Fidelity Investments David McNeel, CIBC Gina Oderda, Mayer Brown Lynne L. Pantalena, U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Kathleen O’Hagan Scallan, Loeb & Loeb Anita Medina Tyson, J. P. Morgan Private Bank Bel Canto Benefactors ese Overture Society members are making a major planned gift to Lyric as well as generous annual gifts each year. Anonymous (9) Mrs. James S. Aagaard Louise Abrahams Dr. Whitney Addington Mrs. Roger A. Anderson Karen G. Andreae Catherine Aranyi L. Robert Artoe Mr. and Mrs. Ron Beata Alvin R. Beatty Merrill and Judy Blau Dr. Gregory L. Boshart Danolda (Dea) Brennan Dr. Gerald and Mrs. Linda Budzik omas Doran Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ericson Marilyn D. Ezri, M.D. Jack M. and Marsha S. Firestone Maurice J. and Patricia Frank Rhoda and Henry Frank Family Foundation Richard J. Franke Julian W. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. omas C. Heagy Concordia Hoffmann Edgar D. Jannotta Ronald B. Johnson John and Kerma Karoly LeRoy and Laura Klemt Jennifer Malpass, O.D. Daniel T. Manoogian Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mayer Nancy Lauter McDougal Bill Melamed Margaret and Craig Milkint Susan M. Miller Drs. Bill and Elaine Moor Allan and Elaine Muchin David J. and Dolores D. Nelson John H. Nelson Kenneth Porrello and Sherry McFall Sheila and David Ormesher Nathaniel W. Pusey Charles and Marilynn Rivkin Chatka Ruggiero Lois B. Siegel Ilene Simmons Larry G. Simpson Craig Sirles Joan M. Solbeck Ms. Gay K. Stanek Lisbeth Cherniack Stiffel Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stirling Mary Stowell Carla M. orpe L. Kristofer omsen Virginia Tobiason Paula Turner Mrs. Elizabeth Upjohn-Mason Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Claudia Winkler Florence Winters Gift Planning at Lyric Paul and Mary Anderson Family Marlys A. Beider Dr. C. Bekerman Christopher Carlo and Robert Chaney David and Orit Carpenter James W. Chamberlain Robert F. Finke and Carol Keenan Mary Patricia Gannon James K. Genden and Alma Koppedraijer Bruce A. Gober, M.D. and Donald H. Ratner Howard Gottlieb Sue and Melvin Gray James C. Kemmerer Dr. Petra B. Krauledat and Dr. W. Peter Hansen Philip G. Lumpkin Robert C. Marks John Nigh Irma Parker Julia Pernet Lyn and Bill Redfield Richard O. Ryan Dr. Robert G. Zadylak Drs. Joan and Russ Zajtchuk Anne Zenzer Society Members Anonymous (46) Valerie and Joseph Abel Carol A. Abrioux Mrs. Judy Allen Mrs. Robert L. Anderson Mrs. Roger A. Anderson Catherine Aranyi L. Robert Artoe Richard N. Bailey David G. Baker Susann Ball Constance and Liduina Barbantini Margaret Basch Mrs. Bill Beaton Lynn Bennett Julie Anne Benson Charles E and Nancy T. Berg Joan I. Berger Barbara Bermudez Kyle and Marge Bevers Patrick J. Bitterman M. J. Black Dr. Debra Zahay Blatz Ann Blickensderfer D. Jeffrey and Joan H. Blumenthal Ned and Raynette Boshell David E. Boyce Robert and Phyllis Brauer Leona and Daniel Bronstein Kathryn Y. Brown Richard M. and Andrea J. Brown Jacqueline Brumlik Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bruske III George F. and Linda L. Brusky Steven and Helen Buchanan Muriel A. Burnet Lisa Bury Robert J. Callahan Patrick V. Casali Esther Charbit Jeffrey K. Chase, J.D. Ramona Choos J. Salvatore L. Cianciolo Heinke K. Clark Robert and Margery Coen Dr. and Mrs. Peter V. Conroy Sharon Conway Sarah J. Cooney Dr. W. Gene Corley Family Joseph E. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Cottey Morton and Una Creditor Barbara L. Dean Donald A. Deutsch Phyllis Diamond Roger Dickinson Ms. Janet E. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dillon
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